Fairly certain people were saying same wishful thinking back during late 70s and 80s about the 'imminent collapse' of US.
I am old enough to remember that things were much MUCH more dire back then - well what do we know now?

Trust me, some people doing the work are already taking steps to remedy the situation. The only ones 'collapsing' are the ones who haven't been prepared/ready/lazy and ignorant as fuck, and those people DO like to browse these forums or hide from ICE and the legal system. US doesn't need them anyway.
Things are already changing, and for the better in many areas you don't hear about in the news or the mainstream doomsday profiteers. Of course, those who 'think' they know about these things are the first ones to make their wishes come true

Lastly, you are REALLY dreaming if a world 'without US oversight' is going to be a better one. You are bitching at your big bro over the phone who lives on the other side of the country, while the rapist and home invaders are already in your bed room preparing to fuck your wife - all the while you are gullible and weak enough to do their bidding by bitching and moaning at US (a convenient target until he also decides to fuck your wife). You are nodding your head in agreement with a stupid smile on your faces while the real criminals are already half way through with your wives and daughters (and sons!).
Fearful and scared people are easy to manipulate with illusions of strength and pride. That works in many parts of the world, and certainly among those who believe they 'know' something. Nothing is easier to manipulate then those who are weak, and everyone, especially the dumb ones, like to feel 'clever'. It could be so easy, so simple, to take control, and most people do not understand the true nature of 'control' and 'power' any more than what a six year old 'knows' about having children.
Really, a fuckin cartoon for a topic like this? I hope some of you are actually older than 18, or think better than a 12 year old in a debate competition.