At this time of crisis, where are the political heroes? Political action committees were designed to force the government to listen. Government affairs executives exist to offer a conduit for communication between corporations and a government that needs their ingenuity, economy, and industry leadership. And political activists are the lightning bolt to activate grassroots movement and social transformation. Now I ask you, who has stepped up to lead their flock through this tumultuous pandemic?
We are living at a time where society is operating at a deficit of heroes. While the entire reason for the establishment of the above-named government communication vehicles was based on the assumption of leadership. At a time when leaders are needed most, few rise to the occasion. If you ever had an interest in introducing a movement to instigate change and pilot a flock to the promised land, now is the time.
What motivated you to enter this particular industry niche? You could have sold cars, become a ski instructor, a ventriloquist, anything. Yet you chose to inject yourself into a position to influence hearts and minds against the backdrop of the highest level of government in the world's last remaining superpower. At a time like this, the opportunities to instigate meaningful change is optimized with triple the potency, so get out there and begin campaigning.