There are 10 slots. 1 slot per user. No newbies. The first block mined after the timestamp of the last spot to be filled plus 10 minutes will be used to determine winner. The following script will determine winner. If no winner is found, subsequent blocks will be used until a winner is found.
const findWinner = (hash, participants) => {
let hashArr = hash.split('');
let curNum = 0;
while(hashArr && (curNum == 0 || curNum > participants * 10)) {
curNum = parseInt(hashArr.splice(hashArr.length - 2, 2).join(''), 16);
if(curNum != 0 && curNum <= participants * 10) {
console.log(`Winner: ${curNum % participants}`);
} else {
console.log('No winner');
I will PM the winner the promo code. Winner will have to pay $18 for shipping.
thank you.
6 - buckrogers
4 please, thank you!
5 - Dimonstration
7 krogothmanhattan
9 Jcga, thanks
3 owlcatz
thank you sir!
8 - tweetious
edit: thank you very much!
2- geophphreigh
Last spot?
Spot | User |
0 | yeosaga |
1 | shasan |
2 | geophphreigh |
3 | owlcatz |
4 | kryme |
5 | dimonstration |
6 | buckrogers - Winner |
7 | krogothmanhattan |
8 | tweetious |
9 | Jcga |
findWinner('00000000000000000000aca7374fd328f8dbf97ecc9555f5a9af25139e6456f8', 10)
Winner: 6