alik111 (OP)

Activity: 362
Merit: 12
Guys recently I am much worried about the scammers because they are now fully active to scam any newbie.Thats why I am sharing with you my story about idax exchange refund scamming. So You guys be aware and secure your funds.
Recently I saw someone is knocking me in Telegram to make a refund For Idax Exchange and his username is @IDAXRefund1 .He tried me to make me fool and forced to send btc to a omniwallet to receive full refunds which is almost 0.03 btc! I realized his scamming techniques and blocked him immediately. At Last I thought many people are joining and getting scammed by those scammers.So all Traders from Idax exchange don't trust and deal with any refund group and only focus to the verified news.
Activity: 21
Merit: 2
May 03, 2020, 06:24:56 PM |
Usually, when someone contacts you without asking you to be contacted it is an alarm signal. The second alarm signal is after the contact when they say they send a sum on one of their wallets to have more in return. Never send anything to anyone 99% of the time you will be the victim of a scam.
alik111 (OP)

Activity: 362
Merit: 12
May 03, 2020, 06:31:45 PM |
Usually, when someone contacts you without asking you to be contacted it is an alarm signal. The second alarm signal is after the contact when they say they send a sum on one of their wallets to have more in return. Never send anything to anyone 99% of the time you will be the victim of a scam.
You are right but You must follow that Now-a-days Scammers are more clever and they are using new tricks to scam any experienced users too. Because they are explaining victims like a Project admin. So research deeply about the news before sending any funds. Best of luck.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1014
May 03, 2020, 06:58:01 PM |
! I realized his scamming techniques and blocked him immediately.
Good job, recently was watching refund scam by "microsoft" or "mcafee" etc. Its most common way to scam mainly from India call centers. It targets elderly people, that are prone to any scams sadly. If someone would fall for refund scam he would fall for any scam, because its easiest to see through. Education, education, education, only way to prevent such stories to happen.
Activity: 2660
Merit: 1091
Smart is not enough, there must be skills
May 03, 2020, 07:27:16 PM |
I have often gotten messages from scamer who always on behalf of the exchange technician by offering a return but must deposit first, I say it's 100% scam.
Messages on telegrams like that have happened a lot and even cases have been circulating but you have to be careful what they say is just a seduction to trick the victim.
R |
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May 03, 2020, 07:51:42 PM |
Telegrams have become a safe haven for scammers. You did a good job, not doing what the scammer said. Since you are a newbie, this is the first time you have received such an offer. But don’t fall prey to scams for making the right decisions at the right time. Their main target is newbies. To scam like this, the strategy is old. Almost every day I get various offers in telegrams all of which are given by scammers. I ignore all messages, and block them.

Activity: 166
Merit: 10
May 04, 2020, 05:52:22 AM |
How the hell did these scammers know who used idax exchange or have account on there before? Only the team can know that information,  I think the team are back to scam more out of people, better block or ignore
May 04, 2020, 08:07:50 AM |
How the hell did these scammers know who used idax exchange or have account on there before? Only the team can know that information,  I think the team are back to scam more out of people, better block or ignore No, not really  Scammers often go to the support groups of exchanges to view information about people who need support. I believe that OP posted there to ask about the amount he missed or presented about his problem. By reading the information there, scammers can PM many people and cheat them, a common scam method. So, to be safe, everyone should be alert in such groups  An ordinary administrator will not PM you in advance
The Cryptovator
Activity: 2450
Merit: 2238
Signature space for rent
May 04, 2020, 08:59:50 AM |
Thanks for sharing it with the community so that we all could learn from it. I don't know what exactly they mean refund? Had you any problems with IDAX and had you discussed on their telegram or other social media? If so likely scammer has tried take advantage from it. Asking money on telegram for refund purpose or with some greedy return offer is obvious scam. Don't send any fund to that person if you weren't well familiar with that person. Any legal organization's authority will never ask you for send any kind of fund through telegram. For such as case you should inform original team and share on their official telegram group, so others could prevent themselves from this kind of scam.
Good job OP since you haven't send any fund to scammer and thanks again for share it with us.
Signature Space for Rent
alik111 (OP)

Activity: 362
Merit: 12
May 04, 2020, 10:41:13 AM |
Thanks for sharing it with the community so that we all could learn from it. I don't know what exactly they mean refund? Had you any problems with IDAX and had you discussed on their telegram or other social media? If so likely scammer has tried take advantage from it. Asking money on telegram for refund purpose or with some greedy return offer is obvious scam. Don't send any fund to that person if you weren't well familiar with that person. Any legal organization's authority will never ask you for send any kind of fund through telegram. For such as case you should inform original team and share on their official telegram group, so others could prevent themselves from this kind of scam.
Good job OP since you haven't send any fund to scammer and thanks again for share it with us.
Thanks for your compliments Dear.Actually Idax exchanged scammed me and all users and I had lost 250$ in idax exchange and the worst thing is I still can see my funds in this exchange but can't withdraw.Thats why Some Scammers started to steal money from the users of idax by offering refund for every users.The funny thing is that they are offering to refund almost 3× ! But you have to pay btc to receive the full refund. It's really very sticky Scamming that's very hard to realise.And they are really very strong hackers.Thats why I thought I should do something to save users.Because many users already trapped and lost their funds. So be Wise and Stop Scammers. And Thank You Again Dear.
Copper Member
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1286
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
May 04, 2020, 12:16:40 PM |
It's actually sad that people are getting scammed by this method. Deposit BTC to get Refund. You are just going to lose more money with that and especially the "less aware of scams people" who are getting messages and possibly getting scammed.
Imagine an owner of exchange running away and getting the funds, do you think he will get back and repay it? I don't think so.
At least, getting this exposure to beginners and even veterans in the cryptocurrency space makes it known and be aware that this type of things happens.
Review Master
May 04, 2020, 03:20:57 PM |
This is not only in the telegram, but this type of scammers are in every soical media. For example, you will see that someone is offering "mining in own wallets" opportunity in the facebook group or twitter’s tweet or Linkedin promotinal posts or any other active soical medias where more crypto lovers/users are active. So everyone should not involve in this shit scheme for some quick earning methods. Also without mining machine , no one can mine bitcoin in a short time. 
May 04, 2020, 03:23:46 PM Last edit: May 04, 2020, 03:37:53 PM by demonica |
It just shows how being well aware of the techniques of fraudsters will help you to recognize and bust their system because individuals usually get deceived when a person claims that they are from a well-known organization. Thus, we must check and find if it's legitimate before trusting people with money because it's a great opportunity for them to use your absence of mindfulness against you.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 26, 2021, 10:01:42 PM |
Thanks for sharing it with the community so that we all could learn from it. I don't know what exactly they mean refund? Had you any problems with IDAX and had you discussed on their telegram or other social media? If so likely scammer has tried take advantage from it. Asking money on telegram for refund purpose or with some greedy return offer is obvious scam. Don't send any fund to that person if you weren't well familiar with that person. Any legal organization's authority will never ask you for send any kind of fund through telegram. For such as case you should inform original team and share on their official telegram group, so others could prevent themselves from this kind of scam.
Good job OP since you haven't send any fund to scammer and thanks again for share it with us.
Thanks for your compliments Dear.Actually Idax exchanged scammed me and all users and I had lost 250$ in idax exchange and the worst thing is I still can see my funds in this exchange but can't withdraw.Thats why Some Scammers started to steal money from the users of idax by offering refund for every users.The funny thing is that they are offering to refund almost 3× ! But you have to pay btc to receive the full refund. It's really very sticky Scamming that's very hard to realise.And they are really very strong hackers.Thats why I thought I should do something to save users.Because many users already trapped and lost their funds. So be Wise and Stop Scammers. And Thank You Again Dear. Hi, i know its a long shot but have you managed to get your money back from IDAX, i have not realised it all closed down until recently... The website is just pretty non existent and was wondering if anybody knew anything?

Activity: 490
Merit: 10
January 27, 2021, 01:58:03 PM |
They do everything can to be deceiving, ranging from email users, telegrams, Twitter even they can call your number. Their network is vast and scammers do everything they can to scammers.. The education and knowledge of users is very important to know their tricks, look at their target newbie who has just joined and has not had much experience by promising a large amount of reward or profit.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
January 27, 2021, 02:25:09 PM |
This is the reason on why you should be using an exchange which has a good reputation already, Ive never even trusted IDAX once
Activity: 3052
Merit: 7868
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
January 27, 2021, 02:27:24 PM |
i know its a long shot but have you managed to get your money back from IDAX, i have not realised it all closed down until recently... The website is just pretty non existent and was wondering if anybody knew anything? I am afraid your money is gone because IDAX is history now. The only reports that were released a few months ago is that their CEO seems to have disappeared and no one knows where he is. As a result of that, the exchange stopped withdrawals from their platform in what they say is a protection measure of their users funds. They still have a Telegram group where members are talking about it. Twitter feed hasn't seen any activity since November 2019.
Furious 7
January 27, 2021, 04:05:28 PM |
i know its a long shot but have you managed to get your money back from IDAX, i have not realised it all closed down until recently... The website is just pretty non existent and was wondering if anybody knew anything? I am afraid your money is gone because IDAX is history now. The only reports that were released a few months ago is that their CEO seems to have disappeared and no one knows where he is. As a result of that, the exchange stopped withdrawals from their platform in what they say is a protection measure of their users funds. They still have a Telegram group where members are talking about it. Twitter feed hasn't seen any activity since November 2019. I think it is very difficult to get funds back from IDAX because they have closed it completely, even the website has not been functioning for a long time, so whatever is done now will not be responded to at all even though you have explained in more detail. I just suspect that the CEO ran off with money so they have no news at all. Btw why don't you pull it when there is bad news about IDAX? do you just remember now?
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