Google "Constitution and Amendments, Cornell." Read the explaantions of the various Amendments and the Constitution.
People are allowed to do almost anything that they want. If they adhere to lockdowns and shutdowns, it's because they want to.
It's natural for people to do the easy thing first. So, shutdowns and lockdowns will be adhered to because they are easy. But when the people don't want to adhere to lockdowns and shutdowns any longer, because they don't like living without their freedom, they will start taking the law enforcement officers to court, along with the LEO commanders, and even the governors of their States.
If the governors don't change, we will start to see recall petitions floating around.
What I have seen so far is that the judges have sided with the people and what the law says... that there is no Constitutional requirement that people obey lockdowns and shutdown.
The point is that it is up to the people... jointly or individually.