You couldn't do that nowadays.
You may not be aware of it, but millions of good people have lost their jobs in the last 2 months. They can't be blamed. If you work in a restaurant, and the authorities decide that all restaurants must close, you're not making your own money anymore, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Actually, there is something you can do about it. But it might not be easy.
Get together with a few of your restaurant friends, and form a Private Membership Association. Since it's private, government is not authorized. When you take government officials to court using the 70 Supreme Court cases, along with the 1st, 4th, and other Amendments, they lose.
The difficulty for you is to sign up members. Your PMA is not open to the public. It's only open to members who have signed up. But if you have a good restaurant, people will sign up... advertising by word of mouth.
Google and Youtube search on "Private Membership Association."
One of the best places to go is to get a few of your people signed up in
ProAdvocate Group PMA - Karl L. Dahlstrom has decades of experience to guide you.