With pool-shock, you can cheaply make/store (long shelf life, compact, just add water) a ridiculous amount of "bleach" like disinfectant solution, and sanitize water for drinking or flushing wounds..
I use it in my aeroponic cloner..
Make basically any strength "bleach" you want, from city water to dangerous stuff..
The problem with pool shock is, after you open the hermetically sealed container, you need to hermetically reseal whatever container you place the unused portion into. If you don't, humidity will gradually neutralize it.
Pool shock is great. But you must seal the unused portion in such a way that humidity can't get at it. You could separate it into plastic drinking straws, and seal them with soldering iron. Make sure the iron is clean.
That's a cool Idea.. weight out portions and seal them up like pixy sticks!!
I think it would be great for a bug out bag or in your first aid kit for making drinkable water out of a river or even making some sterile water to irrigate a bad wound in the field..
Imagine the hilarity that would ensue if the police searched you and found all those little straws full of white powder, lol.. And tasted it like they do on TV..
Little bags are only like $5 and will make like 10,000 gallons of drinkable water..
I put my open bag in a mason jar.. Will probably rust the lid out eventually but it's only $5 for another bag..
I could probably never even use 1 full bag in my lifetime for what I actually use it for.. 1 gram of that stuff is like a years worth of clear-rez..
The people at G2 Church -
https://g2churchnews.org/ - have written about calcium hypochlorite years ago. If you are interested in the things that they found out, you will have to search some pages back in their blog.
The point of those shock blog pages is that people are being healed of all kinds of diseases by simply ingesting a tiny amount of pool shock mixed in water.
I used it for a while. But I found that resealing the bag was the problem. And, be very careful to use only tiny amounts... maybe 2 or 3 times a day.
Most of the calcium hypochlorite that you buy for ingesting is too large of a capsule. But go to the G2 Church website, and find the precautions and usage methods they talk about.
I had a homeless friend for a while, and this is what he used to sterilize the water he drank out in the woods... in straws, btw.