So it just exports a plain QR code image? That's really bad for security, especially as I imagine the vast majority of people are just going to save the QR code to their computer as opposed to printing it out. That would be like your password manager exporting all your passwords in plain text, and you saving them all in a text document on your computer. Good 2FA apps (like Aegis mentioned above) let you export to an encrypted file.
I don't believe that it is meant for creating a meaningful
backup per se... if you follow the wording of the workflow, the point of the QR codes that it is generating, is to allow you to
migrate to a new device... That is to say:
1. Install GoogleAuth on
new device
2. Create QR code on
old device
3. Scan QR code using GoogleAuth on
new device
et voila, 2FA accounts transferred to new device.
You're not supposed to generate the QR code and then actually store that QR code somehow... although, you could certainly try and abuse the functionality. However, there is no option to "save" the QR code and screenshot functionality is disabled within the GoogleAuth app... although you could use a camera to take a picture of it I guess.