🔹 Feed of the game in real mode (on the node.js)
🔹 - TOP 10 most active players (on node.js)
🔹 - Contests and sweepstakes
🔹 - Bonus for subscribing to a group
🔹- Three-tier modification of the game
🔹 - Ticket system
🔹 - Daily bonuses
🔹 - Balance replenishment via WebMoney, Yandex Money, VISA, MasterCard, mobile payments, banks, terminals, and so on.
🔹- Withdrawal of funds to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI, Mobile
🔹 - Personal statistics and history
🔹- Referral system
ℹ️ System: php7, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery, Node.js, WebSockets
Info: 1000$
Telegram: LuckyLabs