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Author Topic: Best way to take advantage of any market situation  (Read 811 times)
Copper Member
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May 21, 2020, 11:04:11 PM

This sounds like one of the stupidest advice I have ever heard. You are not trolling right? Buy bitcoin with half of your invest and USDT with the other half? I mean, like how is it going to help? You might want to say that when the price drops, you can buy more BTC, but what about the previous half? The previous half has already lost some of its value. Again, what if the price drops further after you invested on more BTC with USDT? Makes no sense.

 Catch the winning spirit! 
South Park
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May 22, 2020, 11:18:37 PM

Well this is a great strategy until greed kicks in when you see price pumping and then you buy the top only for it to dump on you lol. Just a personal experience as a noob. These days I just buy when I see a long red bar close to a strong support zone and go on YouTube to watch videos of people screaming it'll do further, that way I know I'm right. Always do the opposite of what the herd says, analysts, youtubers, bloggers they all don't know anything about manipulation, that's why they keep getting it wrong.
One of the first lessons that you are going to learn if you read a book about investing or trading is to never buy at the top, it is extremely tempting because people think that the price is going to keep going up and that they're going to obtain some easy profits, but that is not really the moment to buy that is the moment to sell, and if you have not bought bitcoin at that point it is better to let the market run its course and wait until there is a significant drop in the price otherwise you're going to be the one holding the bag when that drop happens losing so much money in the process that it could take you months or years to recover.
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May 23, 2020, 06:17:14 AM

Halving is finally over and many feels disappointed because they expected bullrun to kick instantly, well you can make gains from bear market too, here is my own advice, find way to be in between bull and bear by.

1. Hold part of your Bitcoin and
2. Buy Usdt with remaining half

So whatever the market situation turns out to be you will be there to take full advantage
It's better to hold your bitcoin, it will take months or years before it's price high, there are articles and comparison on its past year where bitcoin always makes high price on the end of the year. Just be patient and you will earn it.
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May 23, 2020, 07:13:39 AM

This sounds like one of the stupidest advice I have ever heard. You are not trolling right? Buy bitcoin with half of your invest and USDT with the other half? I mean, like how is it going to help? You might want to say that when the price drops, you can buy more BTC, but what about the previous half? The previous half has already lost some of its value. Again, what if the price drops further after you invested on more BTC with USDT? Makes no sense.
Its like he dont want to lose or either win cause half of his asset will compliment what will be the result of his suggestion. Im not saying its stupid but that method is clearly not risking anything at all so how he can benefit on the pump or dump of such coin. For me its better if he can just buy all btc or just all usdt and take advantage whichever is more worth it for him. Not like this.

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May 23, 2020, 02:39:08 PM

I don't know why people always expect bitcoin to surge up right after halving. Does it really has a pattern or it must supposed to go up after halving.  Isn't it depends on how the market and big investors move to manipulate the market flow. I think we should always think of that way, cause anything can happens for a reason.
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May 23, 2020, 03:00:21 PM

I don't know why people always expect bitcoin to surge up right after halving. Does it really has a pattern or it must supposed to go up after halving.  Isn't it depends on how the market and big investors move to manipulate the market flow. I think we should always think of that way, cause anything can happens for a reason.
It caused by there were so many rumours about the possibility for having to increase the value of bitcoin and the decrease of bitcoin inflation caused by the halving has become the big bet for all of bitcoin holders and speculators. It does not depend on big investors or even manipulators.

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South Park
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May 27, 2020, 05:38:18 PM

I don't know why people always expect bitcoin to surge up right after halving. Does it really has a pattern or it must supposed to go up after halving.  Isn't it depends on how the market and big investors move to manipulate the market flow. I think we should always think of that way, cause anything can happens for a reason.
The halving is an event that everyone knows when it is going to happen so they reason it makes sense for the price to go up after it as the supply gets cut in half, but smart investors know that when there are specific dates in which everyone knows what will happen then it is better to take action early, all of those that are expecting for the price to go up missed their opportunity because the growth began at the end of December and ended during the middle of the month of February.
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May 27, 2020, 06:00:34 PM

Your advice is very similar to the advice from a trader who did not trade for a day, but really wants to educate people. I don’t understand where you got such a system from and why you decided that if you do so, you will win in any case. Very strange, I hope that newcomers do not listen to your words.
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May 27, 2020, 06:55:52 PM

You shared your personal experience. You have invested some of your capital in bitcoin and converted the rest into dollars. I think the dollar is a stagnant currency; Investing here will not be profitable. Considering the risks involved in investing in crypto, you need to invest in Bitcoin as well as other top altcoins. You can also temporarily convert it into dollars in a short range.

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Christ The King

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May 28, 2020, 06:30:22 AM

Except you have good fund in bitcoin, you can't benefit much from bitcoin short term volatility. I don't hold any of fund in USDT, I trade good altcoin with it and I am happy to see some gain.

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