May 12, 2020, 12:18:44 PM |
Guys, I need your ideas on
Torrent/magnetic publishing on Blockchain
Why do we need this in today's world? It's simply because the recent torrent site are:
📌 Centralized 📌Server based 📌 Permission based 📌Servers can be shutdown and users will have no access to data contents 📌Seeding sometimes difficulty 📌Prone to censorship 📌Users can be tracked/blocked
And many more you can highlight
Hence, torrent/magnetic publishing will have, just to mention, the following:
📌 Decentralized 📌Server-less 📌 Permission-less 📌Easy seeding 📌Users can't be tracked 📌User data can't be deleted or shutdown 📌 Uncensored
So arrived the idea Torrent/magnetic publishing on Blockchain
Welcome for your ideas, which am sure will be valuable here