I'm interested in the concept ...
Though this is only the beginning. To dedicate a huge amount of HashRate from ONE Miner - only to add to a few miners more is something I am also interested in.
Con has his fair share of work, but i must admit, it is a setback when the Main Developer walks away. I know - I have had that many times in our Projects.
Con was the one that led me to this Pool to look at. It is impressive nonetheless IF it does what it says it does.
#crysx #cwi
I have been working to get some miners to come here.
https://pool.laurentiapool.org/#/minersI did well with a low hash pool called mmpool.org
but it has a lot of primitive software and does not let most new gear mine there.
This pool allows most any modern hardware to mine here.
Con did not truly abandon the pool he simply acknowledged a lack of interest when he stated no-one wanted to mine here.
Hey I am small to medium miner I have 2ph max Profits have been good this year I can point 50-60th here and mine the rest on a lower risk pool .
I have asked a few others to do this. So far 1 more person is doing what I do. He is pointing a 80th Avalon while he mines on a safer pool with his other 1520th of hash.
I was hoping to get a few guys to point 2-5% of their hash here.
Of course if a real player wants to point serious hash I am sure minefarmbuy will give you a password and help set you up.
minefarmbuy. profile link
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2022002shoot him a pm he still talks with con.
if you are big player and point 5% of 1eh day say 50ph and keep 95% say 950ph at viabtc it could work out. and you still have the safety net of being at viabtc.
even if you have 100 ph and keep 95ph at viabtc and 5ph here you could make some coin.
Hope you join up.
I trust minefarmbuy as a seller of gear.
I have purchased over 50000 usd worth of gear from him.
I have sent other buyers to him that spent over 50000 usd worth of gear.
I hope this pool gets renewed interest.
Thanks PhilipMa ...
I know there was a time where I have been abrupt with you - but I have watched you for a long time with the Mining efforts (and messes that Mining creates at times), and respect the advice you give and the ideas you have towards the Mining Systems and Setups. I am NOT a big Miner in SHA256 - Yet

This is the 'Rental Side' of theFARM for Equihash alone - and only the Rental Side that I have allowed to be released for Rent via MRR -
https://www.miningrigrentals.com/rigs/139780If you know anything about Equihash - you will know that is more than just a 'little bit' of HashRate in that Algo. That has been our focus for 2021 thus far and that is NOT the Complete order of Total HashRate in EquiHash. Only the Rental Part. I am WAY too reluctant to expose much about anything that CWI does - as experience has taught me VERY well that abuse comes from MANY areas that have nothing to do with, or will help in any way shape or form, what CWI is focused on. So I say VERY little about what we do and how 'Big' or 'Small' or 'anything at all' we are.
2022 is the SHA256 Component. This is NOT going to be easy, but is something I have been planning for some time for the SHA256 Component of theFARM in CWI.
In the New Year (early January) I am physically looking at, and highly considering the purchase of 500Acres of almost flat land, that is prime property for the MidTier Solar Farm I intend on growing as 2022 progresses. Along withe the bullshit RedTape that comes with the governments and all their Regulations with SolarElectricity, there is every possibility upon completion of the the CWI Solar Farm to be at close to full capacity of 60MWatts (approx 300Acres) with MANY (if not all) SHA256 Machines running in that facility alone.
Depending on the Machines of course, that will determine what HashRate we will 'eventually' have. This Solar Farm will be built Acre by Acre and slowly, so there will not be a lot of HashRate initially, but it will get there.
My intention is NOT to mine at another companies Pool - only the CWI one which is currently being built from the Ground up. However, with the details about the the CodeBase that Con has built, this Pool has MANY features that will allow it to Mine effortlessly and Decentralized, and as such, has caught My interest in a pretty big way. I plan MANY months in advance for the Projects that is intended to Bolster the CWI infrastructure AND SoftWare Development.
So if Laurentia Pool and MineFarmBuy have any intention of opening the business, the Pool and the opportunities up in 2022, then I will listen to what they (and Con obviously) have to say with an open Mind and open to any possibility of a joint Venture of sorts. Something I am not accustomed to having built EVERYTHING in CWI from the Ground up from My own pockets.
There is one other Algorithm I have decided to pursue, but that will come when this Solar Farm finishes - if it occurs in the first place.
Being in Australia, there are a few 'large' miners here and they have grown due to 'investors' and other means of acquiring Money - which means they are dedicated to the FIAT and their shareholders and nothing more. CWI is not tied down that way and is completely Private - Controlled and Owned entirely by The Two shareholders - My Wife and I.
So ultimately, I want to see the HashRate that will become one of the World Level hashRates, become part of something MUCH bigger than just 'FIAT Based' and hence why I have always refused offers of Investment. I want to see this HashRate put to good use is we are to follow through wiht the SHA256 Algo - which means better development of Pool Systems, Efficiency of Code and a better structured System of Mining, to name a few.
We will need Machines - so continuous purchases of Miners will be part of the deal. I know this is costly and there are not a lot of ReSellers out there that do right by Purchasers, so your advice with regards to the Honesty and Support that MineFarmBuy have with their Customers is comforting.
Laurentia Pool is definitely one Pool that I (and evetually CWI theFARM) will be watching and utilizing once we start the SHA256 Build in 2022.
BTW - is there much purpose for the 'smaller' Pools at all when there is almost little chance to Solve Blocks for the Pool itself?I will also take note of all that you have provided here Philip, and Thanks once again for the Advice.
Very helpful indeed!
#crysx #cwi
I will try to answer the bolded part to your question. What is good about a low hash pool?
...........Address ...............................................H/s 1h......H/s 1d......H/s 1w..workers......shares............... best share..........luck........ herp.........................derp
1 3CKK_______________________cRwd 221TH/s 222TH/s 202TH/s 5 263,202,578,892 665171611159 100% 262,784,107,956 4.37698272
2 3Q9N_______________________RqLD 82.8TH/s 87.6TH/s 158TH/s 1 55,936,493,247........ 322594860611 100% 56,196,717,499....... 0.93602335
3 146U_______________________1gx3 23.5TH/s 78.1TH/s 131TH/s 3 50,245,123,402........ 282770646787 101% 50,498,540,489....... 0.84111341my miner is 3 address is 146 Bla Bla Bla
I have my 1.4ph of earning hash point at viabtc a pps+ payer as I get certain playable payouts.
For very little expense at Laurentia pool I have a derp of 0.84111341 btc
I did a rental at nicehash got a decent amount of shares for under 600 usd and I am now running placeholder gear at 24th that means my potential payout for 600 usd in rentals and a few s9's is 0.84 btc. Of course I may take a year or two or three or even four to hit a block at this pool at current hash rate.
Or I could be collecting tonight. With a huge payoff for very little invested.
Remember I still have the 1.4ph mining at viabtc on pps+ for certain payout.
So in your case if you are building up Gear and solar panels. Say 2ph of gear out and a few acres of panels . you could do all 2 ph at viabtc pps+
or you could do 1.9 ph at viabtc pps+ and 100 th on this low hash rate pool
profit margins are good now. you do not feel that missing 100th at this pool and it allows a low cost chance at a very high profit.
My self on mmpool.org risked under 4000 or 5000 usd in mining rates whether hard gear or rentals from sept 2017 to oct 2021 and collected 0 coin but we then hit 3 blocks I collected over 1.2btc in Oct Nov Dec 2021
So low cost high collection = possible
or low cost low collection = possible
but in both cases low cost is sure.
and remember in sept 2017 coins were around 4-6k
in oct -dec 2021 coins were average above 50k
So in a way it was very cool clever way to hodl coins. even though you do not have coins to hodl.
So the key is you make low hash high variance work for you not against you
Yes you sacrifice some certain hash profit but just a small amount.
At the moment only
mmpool.org......range of 50th to over 10ph
Laurentia.com...range of 300th to over 2ph
kano.is ............range of 4ph to 6ph
are small enough to do this play.
For a guy like you is something to consider as a way to accelerate building at low cost or simply low cost if it fails.
the math is that a s19 doing 100th earns $25.75 a day and burns $4.75 a day at 5-6 cent power net profit of 20 a day.
and on Laurentia pool 100 th gives you about 100/487 x 6.25 = 1.28 btc
simply rent 2 or 3 ph point at the pool get to the 1 or 1.25 btc level and keep the s19 there once you are over 1btc.
you risk for 1 btc is low cost. the potential to ge tit fast is there and since you may have 20 s19's pointed at a safe pool like viabtc you will make certain profit.
It can speed you build up years at very little risk and if it has terrible luck it slows your build down very little.
remember variance aside right now the 1 s19 is profitable so eventually it should earn money.
Think of it this way play 1 dollars a day on a 3 digit number and if you hit I pay you 5000 bucks not the 1000 to 1 it truly is. yeah you may take a long time to hit but it should turn profit
since the s19 pays say 25 to 5 a 5 to 1 and my numbers game pays 5000 vs 1000 you are not gambling you are playing
a low cost high risk high payout investment.