Recently (since a month or so), I started to get involved in reporting useless posts to moderators (spamming, shilling etc.). Given the fact that I reported
a lot of posts lately (for example, I reported once ~1500 posts in less than 24h), I also encountered some difficulties, therefore I'm suggesting some improvements of this process, as it follows:
1. It would be nice to add a "Report" button in the page where all the posts / topics of an user are displayed
Why is that? Well, if you want to report multiple posts of a single user; then if you open the link "Latest posts of XXX"; then if you click on each post of the respective user to open the posts in different tabs, a bug and a problem may occur. When a post is opened in a new tab, it
usually is the one from the top of the respective tab. However, this doesn't happen in all cases (this being the bug): sometimes, the new opened post / tab
is not the one from the top, being instead displayed at the middle of the page or anywhere else. If such situation occurs, you may report the post from the top of the new tab, although this is not the post which should be reported. In some cases (if the post is good), then the report is bad. In other cases, the report can be bad for for other reason: for reporting a duplicate post (this being the problem, but also determined by the bug). How this can happen? Imagine that inside a topic an user has multiple posts and each one should be reported (e.g. continuous shilling of a site). In case multiple tabs are opened for each such post, if the mentioned bug occur and the posts opened in new tabs are not shown at the top part of the page, then you may select to report the post from the top of the new opened tab, but this post could be actually a post opened also in another tab. This situation (caused by the bug), may lead to have your report flagged as bad for being duplicate. So you report a shilling post (which should be reported); but you get in the situation of reporting it twice, although you didn't want this to happen.
Besides, this report button added to each posts / topics of any user would also make the reporting process
more convenient, as it would be easier to directly click on a report button listed under each post / topic, compared to opening each post / topic in new tabs.
2. The reporting process is identified as posting and it follows the posting rules
When you open multiple posts in new tabs in order to report them all, you will be hindered by the time limit for consecutive reports. As I can understand, this message is the same for posting consecutive posts, and it is governed by the following rule:
waittime = 360;
if(activity >= 15)
waittime = (int)(90 - activity);
if(activity >= 60)
waittime=(int)(34.7586 - (0.0793103 * activity));
if(activity >= 100)
waittime = max((int)(14-(activity/50)), 4);
However, this is a reporting process, not a posting process. Thus, if you
are could be really fast at reporting multiple posts in a given time frame, you are stopped by the above mentioned code, which for some reason applies also during reporting posts, instead of being applied only for posting. Of course, the amount of time between consecutive reports gets higher, if the reporter's activity is low. In my case it is set at 8 seconds. And I received the respective error message many times, as I could make reports in a time lesser than 8 seconds. Now imagine how much would have to wait a member with 100 activity points or less. [/i]That member may have good intentions and help keeping the forum clean, but if he has to wait ages in order to report 100 posts he will not do it anymore.[/i]
In my case, to be more precise: for reporting all those 1500 posts in less than 24h, I needed 1500 (posts) x 8 (seconds between each report) = 12.000 seconds (200 minutes). Of course this was only the calculated time. In reality all becomes more slower due to various external aspects (change the message for a report / you close a tab accidentally then you have to reopen it etc.).
What I'm trying to say is that: if there was no time limit between consecutive reports, this entire process would be more convenient. Or, at least, if the restrictions would be decreased (e.g. 3 seconds between reports).
3. More mods are needed for analyzing the reported posts
As far as I could see,
the mods can't keep the pace with the reporting process. I finished those ~1500 reports a few days ago but I still have almost 1000 unhandled reports. I believe there are too few mods inside the forum and they are overwhelmed with all their duties, which don't include only analyzing reports. This forum has over 2 millions of users, from which, if I remember well, more than 100.000 active. Even if all these users would make 1 (just one) report, the mods would be flooded with 100.000 reports. I'm not sure how many mods are there, but I think they are less than 30.
And, as I can see, they are too few for all their activities. For example, when I was in the frenzy of reporting, I was contacted by 3dOOM which kindly asked me to not report all the posts of each user, although all should be deleted, as I am opening too many reports.
That being said, I'd also suggest to increase the mods number.