The Revelation points at things in the past as well as the future. Think about the following.
Satan was a murderer and a liar
from the Beginning - John 8:44.
Consider Genesis 1:1,2: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God
was hovering over the waters."
The words, "was hovering," in the Ancient Hebrew is like "brooding" in a relaxed way. In other words, God was carefully concerning Himself with that which He had created.
Stop right here, and think about this. God doesn't create any junk. Sure, He might have been savoring the moment. But the whole thing was far from complete. But God has such capability that He could easily "pop" the universe into existence from a standing start. He doesn't need 6 days to do it.
It is my idea that God had created Satan right at the beginning of the Beginning, to be a helper in the creation He was making. The reason the creation didn't turn out to be anything more than a "pile" of water with some other materials mixed in, was that Satan "murdered" the project right from the start of the beginning... and that God "hovering/brooding" over the waters was simply God considering every aspect of:
1. The creation not being in the form that He wanted;
2. The position of Satan in all of this;
3. The time and form for punishing Satan, later;
4. The way in which He, God, Himself was going to step in and make Satan do the job right;
5. Looking at the future, including man that He was going to make.
When we think about the first thing that God made... on the first day, it was light. In other words, it was the electromagnetic spectrum, and all the things included with the electromagnetic spectrum. This could easily include time and gravity.
Before time was made, the materials for making it and everything else were found in "the heavens and the earth." Time simply was something that hadn't been structured into the organized order that would exist when God created light. But Satan was there, working with the elemental particles that make up time, and messing the whole thing up for God until God stepped in and did it Himself.
Jump to Plato and Atlantis. Plato got Atlantis from his ancestor, Solon. Solon got Atlantis from an Egyptian priest. Atlantis was supposed to have been destroyed in the time of the Younger Dryas, around 12,900 to 11,700 years BC.
But watch closely what I am going to say. We know the story of Moses in the Bible... how Moses was raised up from infancy as a prince in Egypt. He had access to all the libraries and archives of Egypt. He was well trained in all the knowledge that Egypt had. He looked at the ideas of an Old Earth.
Josephus the historian just following the time of Jesus, and the Septuagint Old Testament (Hebrew into Greek from around 250 BC), both say that according to Ancient Hebrew, Old Testament writings of the day, the earth was created about 7,500 years ago from our time, here... or about 5,500 years before Jesus... as a Young Earth. (Standard Bibles say about 6,000 years, but they have been corrupted by some Jewish scribes.)
How do we reconcile the two? That is, do we have a Young Earth or a Old Earth? Here's how we reconcile them.
Satan was a liar from the Beginning. He had seen and worked with the particles of the electromagnetic spectrum which would become time. He placed the Old Earth ideas into people right from the creation time by causing any who would listen, to think of time particles as they were before God settled time in place... along with the light. Satan nurtured those ideas among many peoples from before the Great Flood and after. The Egyptian priests mostly listened to Satan; consider all the gods they had; but there is only One God. The result was a Satan-nurture, Old Earth idea.
Moses looked at all the ancient archived records in Egypt. He was able to see through them to determine which were right and which were wrong. In addition, the Spirit of God was with Moses, teaching him what to write in the first 5 books of the Bible.
The earth and the universe are 7,400 to 7,500 years old. People who listen to the idea of billions of years, are listening to the promptings Satan placed into them, because he was there in the Beginning, corrupting as much as he could manage, right down throughout all history. Look at