Why do I pay to get get updated with upcoming cryptocurrency events? Did I miss anything or do events affect price and lead to daily changes?
I will stay away from them as soon as I know they are a paid service. Getting this data is not difficult to pay for them and they can request donations if I feel the channel is useful.
I stay away from all the channels that offer such updates, and I only subscribe to the channels after I know all the participants.
Don't misunderstand. They are not charging you anything for subscribing to their channel and for receiving crypto events/updates. What's shady is that they are also advertising another telegram group which sells crypto signals.
Announcements of events today doesn't affect the price of most altcoins but it's a different story back in 2017. Regardless of the effect on price, it is still good to follow such announcements to keep up with the progress especially if you are a long term investor.
I checked their channel again and searched for that sponsored post. It looks like it's been deleted.