I cant find big difirencec between default logo and this one. Why we should use your picture?
Because he wants to see himself as the "designer". It's something as trivial as color but it makes it his design and he can add Bitcoin logo to his portfolio, even though hich "change" could have been done in mspaint by a 10 year old. Usually if we change something it's meant to bring some benefits but is there really an improvement here? OP said it's going to look more modern. Really? You can use any background you want with the
BTC sign without having to tag it with your name.
Never though of it this way, just wanted to help the community.
I though simplification would not make
BTC look confusing to the average user at first sight.
Something "friendly".
It was just an experiment tweaking the bitboy design - I said it's not a big difference.
2020 was a year with plenty of economic change - why not USE THAT?
but if my logo is unwelcome in the eyes of the community - I'm fine with that.