To confirm if you have subscribed for the board or not and this is just a bug, Head over to your profile, then under Modify Profile click on Notifications and Email. You should be able to see the boards and topics you have subscribed for.
I have just checked and I am sure that I did not sign up to receive notifications in Bounties section. But I still received a single notification email
It is really strange, isn't it?
It happend to me that after having notification on for a post or watch it even if action was un-done i'd still get notifications about it in new replies, there was no way to get rid of them but threads died with time. Excluding a bunch.
No, an post in a topic is different, but this is a thread in a section. Let's think of how bad it would be if I received a lot of notifications about new topics there that I didn't want. Something will become spam if it is sent unwanted