A fascinating piece of speculative fiction there, ending OF COURSE WITH...
At this point in time it looks like USA will be having a very long hot summer.
I wish safety and peace to us all.
God bless!
republican white males agree, racism needs to be defeated, especially the one of the left democrats and foreigners
Your problem is simply. you think the right is correct and the left is wrong.
The reality is the left and right positions are mostly worthless bullshit designed to distract people while rich mother fuckers steal from the vast majority of both the left and the right.
It is sad that you actually don't even comprehend that independents that are able to pick and choose the worthwhile crap that each side spews that keep the place from crumbling.
Donald "Nero" Trump failed all of us when George Floyd was murdered he simply could have said I am directing that the federal government files hate crimes against the 4 cops.
the neck cop murder 1 and 2
the back and leg cops. murder 2 and 3
the lookout cop murder 3 and manslaughter
file those charges in under 12 hours. state that he will allow the state of Minnesota to do their charges and trials first.
The the feds kick in their charges and files. The fed will keep custody until trials start.
This pleases the left.
He can then simply state if you loot or burn in protest we will shoot to kill you.
No tear gas no rubber bullets. just shoot to kill.
this pleases the right.
in both cases he states I drill the right if they fuck up and do wrong.
I drill the left if they they fuck up and do wrong.
This gives the appearance of a fair government that crushes any and all assholes left or right.
But no he did shit. and finally tossed gas on the fire making this fucked up for each and every person in America
Now the moron left and the moron right are willing to fight to the death.
And rich assholes figure they have it made watching the left fight with the right.
Myself I voted for Trump in 2016 I am not voting for him this time.
Over the years. My votes
I refused to vote for president in 2004
Trump >>> Hillary was a criminal and admitted it I would have voted for Bernie as I like his medical ideas.
so 10 elections
5 dems
4 Republicans
1 push as both bush and Kerry were not very good.
I have 3 cousins that are New York City cops 1 is retired.
I served in USN
I am pretty much a column a and column b guy.
Pro death penalty - yes
Pro abortion - yes
for the life of me if you think death penalty is legal how on earth can you think abortion is wrong.
That makes me pretty much hated by both left and right.
I don't want a wall I want 3 walls. - yes -yes -yes
I want medical for all - yes
This makes me hated by what ever rights and lefts. didn't already hate me over my death penalty and abortion beliefs .
Those 4 positions above make me not like by lots of people.
As both sides think I am nuts. for only liking 2 of the 4 that they like.