Anyone is seeing serious flaws here?
Complete trust in the bank or vault operator.
Same issues with diamonds, bearer share, family heirlooms... A lot of very very rich people are trusting them, and they have been keeping secret/wealth of centuries.
Further, when you die, depending on your jurisdiction it might not be as simple as your heirs going and opening the vault. The vault may have to be opened by the bank, and the contents passed to lawyers to take a full inventory of so the contents can then be distributed according to your will. There are quite a lot of intermediaries in that process who may be able to get their hands on your seed. I would consider encrypting it first and storing the encrypted seed in the vault.
This is a good point, I believe that in my case I might need to change a few things to ensure a smoother transition between vault and heirs.
But no inheritance taxes where I am and pretty straightforward dealing with estates. Encryption is definitly needed to make sure that no one can have a look or take photos while it is being handed to heirs.
You are also trusting your lawyer to store your passphrase safely and securely (and not go out of business) for 30, 40, 50 years.
yes and lawyer have contingencies for this, how do you think that will are stored?
And of course, bear in mind that the plausible deniability of a passphrase only works if its existence can be plausibly denied. That means no obvious blockchain links between your standard wallet and your passphrased wallet, and enough funds on your standard wallet to justify the ownership of a hardware wallet. If your standard wallet is completely empty, it raises a strong suspicion that there is something more to be found.
Very true, only a fool would have an empty wallet and try to hide a juicy wallet with a passphrase.