Askobar Network
What is Askobar NetworkThe Askobar Network will revolutionize the concept of (PoLL) PROOF OF LOCKED LIQUIDITY.
We aim to be the first project to have this concept that will announce POLL before launching to unsiwap. We know that 80% of projects nowadays are scams. That's why we created a new concept that announces the (PoLL) before launching to uniswap.
We don't need big and massive liquidity!
All we want is the safety of investments of our investors and contributors.
Key Featuresx 1% Tax for each transaction.
x Staking rewards - more info coming soon.
x Buybacks coming from Presale.
x No one will have any control in liquidity other than a smart contract.
Token Distribution: 140.000.000 ASKOx 40.000.000 - Presale
x 24.000.000 - Uniswap + 50% of pre-sale proceeds
x 30.000.000 - Locked and will be released 10% per 30 days
x 26.000.000 - Staking rewards
x 10.000.000 - Airdrops and Promotions
x 10.000.000 - Team Members
Website... Processing
Exchange... Uniswap
Airdrop... TBA
FAQsQ. Who has the control of the Uniswap Liquidity Pool?
A. NO ONE! Devs will be sending ??ETH (??% of presale) and ??M ASKO to the pool and it is only controlled by a smart contract which no one have access.
Q. Why should I join your presale?
A. Of course, presale price is way lower when it will be launched in Uniswap, presale price is ??K ASKO=1ETH and max is 5ETH per buy. We are aiming for a lot of holders as later on, this will be a community project
Q. Why developers are holding a percentage of tokens?
A. This is only to compensate for the hard work and will still be used for future developments
Q. Why should I stake my ASKO?
A. This would be the cream of the pie, we will be developing staking rewards and it will be coming soon.
Q. Do you have airdrops?
A. Who doesn't love airdrops? Everyone loves it, ??% of the supply will be used for aidrops and promotions.
Q. Are you planning to list in other exchanges?
A. TBA, this will be creamier!
Q. Where is the other ??% of presale proceeds?
A. ??% would be for devfunds, ??% for buyback feature
Q.What's the benefit of buyback?
A. Simple, if people will start dumping on us, we will be using it to buy those and put it on the pool and to our rewards program.
All question marks will be filled after we launch the website and the contract as well