Early node testing bountyRunning a testnet node (in primary authorizer mode), reporting on bugs, performance and usability issues, and user experience.
The active testers who run and test the nodes on testnet will get enough LYR to stake the actual primary authorizer node on mainnet once it’s launched (currently a minimum stake is set to 1,000,000 LYR).
Bug bountyReport a bug in a node, a wallet, a block explorer, LoyalShopper apps, or even misspelling or bad wording on the website and receive a bonus.
The amount of the bonus will vary depending on the severity of the discovered issue and starts from 1,000 LYR. No upper limit.
Social media awareness bountyFollow Lyra twitter account, like and retweet Lyra tweets.
Follow Lyra LinkedIn account, like and share Lyra posts.
Reply to Lyra bitcointalk thread with questions, comments, or answers.
No fake anonymous accounts on Twitter and LinkedIn please.
100 LYR for following for at least 1 month
10 LYR per like, retweet, or share (+10 LYR for every 1,000 followers, up to 100 LYR)
100 LYR for reply, retweet, or share with informative comments (+100 LYR for every 1,000 followers, up to 1,000 LYR)
1,000 LYR for an informative post about Lyra project in a social media channel that does not belong to Lyra, with at least 100 followers, with a link to Lyra website (+1000 LYR for every 1,000 followers, up to 10,000 LYR)
100,000+ LYR for an article about Lyra project (please send your proposals or texts to to get approval before publishing)
Bounty/Marketing Campaign ManagerIf you have experience running bounty/marketing campaigns on social media or/and bitcointalk (signature campaign) – please send your info to or DM us on Telegram. Note that we only pay in LYR tokens.