First of all, i was struggled to understand this takes me months.
But let me help you all developers how to want to run commands on website for bitcoin or any coin which is based on the bitcoin blockchain.
Simple what you need to do is just install
1 -> Nginx or Apache2 and any version of PHP
2 -> go to cd /var/www/html
3 -> sudo nano easybitcoin.php
4 -> paste the raw code of easybitcoin.php (
5-> If you want to run just bitcoin commands then leave it as it is. If any other coin is based on the bitcoin blockchain. Just search for port and change with your blockchain RPC Port.
6-> sudo nano command.php
7-> in command just php code
$bitcoin = new Bitcoin('username','password'); // remember it should be your daemon .conf username and password
$info = $bitcoin->getinfo();
$err = $bitcoin->error;
echo $err; echo $info;
if any server issue you are facing then you need to install php curl
then do it
-> sudo apt update
-> sudo apt install php7.0-curl
-> sudo phpenmod curl
-> sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Then you are done.