Auctioning Crypto Stamps 2.0 physical full series collection, one stamp of each animal in black color. Bought directly from national post office of Austria.
This means four sealed physical stamps, one black-coloured stamp of each animal (Lama, Panda, Honey Badger and Doge). Serial numbers are normal 6-digit/letter.
Item location: EU.
Shipped world-wide, shipping paid by the winner of the auction. Can be shipped e.g. via national mail or UPS courier service.
Starting price:
0 BTCMinimum increase: 0.0005 BTC / 50000 SAT
No reserve price.
Auction ends on
Saturday 18th July 22:00 GMT/UTC.
Bids in the last 10 minutes extend the auction to a maximum of 10 minutes after the last bid.
Proof of funds or a collateral may be asked from new bidders to be eligible to bid on the auction.
I reserve the right to reject bids from or deny sale to any individual for any reason.
More info about Crypto Stamps e.g.
here (thanks krogothmanhattan!)
Pics (serial numbers (QR codes) hidden for buyer's protection):
Happy bidding!