MineHunter12 (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 44
Merit: 2
July 09, 2020, 05:29:26 AM Last edit: August 25, 2020, 05:53:46 PM by MineHunter12 |
What is Pool-X ?Pool-X is an exchange that provides liquidity for staked crypto. It is a state of free market that enables the integration of diversified crypto assets and multi-node on the public chain. Users can trade the staked crypto assets in the platform and obtain liquidity. Furthermore, based on the nature of the Pool-X mechanism, the node can build up a connection with the Pool-X liquidity trading market to enhance its competitive strength and ultimately gather more node votes. Other types of staking digital assets will be progressively supported as the staking business matures.
Reward up to 2000 USDT allocated for this Bounty
Pool-X Bounty General Rules • Our bounty campaign will start on 12 July 2020. • All participants must join our Telegram Group, follow Twitter and Subreddit. • We reserve the right to eliminate any participant found cheating or being dishonest with his work. • We reserve the right to change the bounty campaign rules. • We count your activities in stakes and generate the ratio between stakes and tokens in the final calculation. • Users with Bitcointalk Red/negative trust can not participate on that bounty.
All Bounties and Reward Distribution 1. Blogs & Article Writing Campaign - 20% 2. Translation Campaign - 10% 3. Twitter Campaign - 20% 4. Telegram Campaign - 20% 5. Reddit Campaign - 20% 6. Video Campaign - 10%
1. Blogs & Article Writing Campaign • The article/blog post must be minimum 500 words. • The text must be original. Copy and plagiarism strictly not allowed. • The audience for the posted article must be crypto related or match a use for Pool-X or promote their Tokensale to a suitable audience. • The website must be 6 moths old. New websites are not allowed. • Article/blog post must contain a link to the https://pool-x.io/ and your Bitcointalk Profile Link. • Please carefully browse the official website and make your familiar with POOL-X features and concepts. • Copy of website contents will be rejected. • Max 3 entries will be accepted by 1 participant • Your contents must be posted at any of the following : Hackernoon , Reddit , Medium , Steemit ,and/or your own blog site.REWARD: High Quality: 20 Stakes Normal Quality: 5 StakesInstructions:Enter your article link in this FORM
2. Translation Campaign • Use of Google Translate along with other online translators not allowed. • Anyone found using Google Translate will be instantly disqualified without any reward. • One applicant can only apply for One language translation. • Participants must register first by filling the form. Accepted translator will be announced on the thread. • Only Accepted translator's work will be considered for the reward. • Accepted translators have one week to complete the translation.REWARD: BountyThread : 30 StakesInstructions: Fill this FORM to participate in Translation CampaignFollowing Participants are selected for translationaidit45@gmail.com - Indonesia Unbunplease - Russian davide72 - italian r_victory - Portuguese anobtc - Vietnamese Abuelkheeir - Arabic Amaraly - Japanese welovedcrypto - Hindi GaretJohanKay - Spanish
3. Twitter Campaign • Follow and Like the official Twitter page. • Only one Twitter account per applicant is allowed. • Participants should have a minimum of 300 followers. • Each participant must post a minimum FIVE TWEET and RETWEET every week. • FOLLOWERS count will be fixed from your date of registration. • "Must tag our Twitter Page" and should have the original text in the caption. Must have #PoolX • Posts must be in English, should be public and viewable, and should be distributed across the whole week not only in a day.Rewards: 1. Twitter Account with 300 - 1000 followers : 10 stakes/week 2. Twitter Account with 1000 - 2000 followers : 20 stakes/week 3. Twitter Account withmore than 2000 followers : 30 stakes/weekInstructions: Enter your Twitter account data in this FORM
4. Telegram Campaign • Spread Content about Pool-X in your Telegram group and earn reward. • Group must have a minimum 300 members. • You must Stay in the Group until the end of the campaign calculation to receive your stakes. • You must make at least 1 post in the group every two to three days to get your stakes • Upload the screenshot links to us.Rewards 15 plus posts - 10 StakesEnter your Telegram account data in this FORM
5. Reddit Campaign • Every participant must follow the Pool-X official Subreddit. • Your Reddit account must be Open for Public access, otherwise you wont be able to claim rewards. • Your Reddit account should be at least 60 days old and have minimum 20 Karma. • You can do posts/reposts on any other crypto-related subreddits • Participants must upvote and post/repost at least 5 posts weekly published on Pool-x Subreddit . You will not get your reward for upvote or posting/reposting alone. You need to upvote and post/repost in order to get full stakes. • Participants can upvote and post/repost a maximum of one post in a day. Rewards: 10 stake per week Instructions Fill this Google FORM to participate in Reddit Campaign.
6. Video Campaign • The min. duration of Video must be at least 90 Sec and must be uploaded on your own channel in Youtube. • Must include our website and other link together with your profile Username/Profile link for authentication on you DESCRIPTION. • Video can be advertisements & promotions and animated videos representing Pool-X. • Screen recording is not allowed. • For videos other then English must have ENGLISH subtitle. • Once submitted Pool-X reserves the right of use for promotional purposes.REWARD: High Quality: 20 Stakes Normal Quality: 10 Stakes
Instructions Fill this Google FORM to submit your video.
Week-1 12 July 2020 - 18 Jul 2020 Week-2 19 July 2020 - 25 Jul 2020 Week-3 26 July 2020 - 01 Aug 2020 Week-4 02 Aug 2020 - 08 Aug 2020 Bounty Closed
| For Questions please join our Telegram group |  |
Sr. Member
Activity: 1554
Merit: 255
payMe - P2E
July 09, 2020, 05:31:20 AM |
Jr. Member
Activity: 87
Merit: 1
July 09, 2020, 05:50:08 AM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Forum Username: OpeningVN Telegram Username: @OpeningVN Participated Campaigns: Translation
Activity: 102
Merit: 0
July 09, 2020, 06:44:52 AM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Forum Username: ryadrian95 Telegram Username: @ryadrian95 Twitter Username: @ryadrian95 Participated Campaigns: Twitter
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1161
July 09, 2020, 08:43:33 AM Last edit: July 18, 2020, 12:18:57 PM by Unbunplease |
Jr. Member
Activity: 42
Merit: 1
July 09, 2020, 09:31:42 AM |
#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Forum Username: abulmarka Telegram Username: @rifatahmed Twitter Username: @khankyes Participated Campaigns: Twitter