Kawanggawa in Filipino the Philippine local dialect means charity, so we can say that the developers of this project comes from the Philippines I'm sure because of this they are not going to make an announcement here or if they do, they will need to answer this accusations before they launch a bounty campaign.
Well I briefly heard that Kawanggawa is a language from the Philippines but I'm not sure their developers are from the Philippines after I saw that they are from Indonesia after seeing the profile of Linkedin.
https://asyharihidayat.com/ is a personal blog from Asyhari as CTO
I cant understand why these guys are copying the whitepaper from other projects. If they put some time into it , its very easy to write the whitepaper .
That is a fraud project there is no purpose for their project so copying whitepaper from another project, then the project that actually has a good idea will be written on white paper.