reserved for updates.
1st update - the black piece will go edge to edge vs floating border as shown.
2nd update - ColdKeys not on hand - credit cards will do - sorry didnt leave the numbers intact for you to go shopping though
the black insert can be a variety of colors - and will be cut on the next one for a tighter fit - this was a quick rough draft - and I need screws that will bit this better - had to use what I had on hand.
so call this the alpha version - beta version to come soon
3rd update - screws are ordered - they will be recessed (not bolts/nuts like the alpha version) screws should be in tomorrow. and dialing in the tolerances for the inside piece a bit more to hold the cards tighter.
4th update - acrylic is on order - sadly 3 to 4 weeks to get the bulk order in. But enough was ordered to do at least 25 sets - the film will be left on the acrylic so the receipent can peel it off - this will reduce my fingerprints and chances of scratches. So will be three pieces and 4 screws.
5th update - the acrylic insert can be engraved as well - thinking like if you want to have your coldkey serial number engraved or like "#9 of 21"
6th update - used 8/32 1/4" steel screws - also going to try 6/32 1/4" brass screws.
7th update - adding a list for reservations. Will have 24 initially. My initial idea is $12-$14 for the double and $9-$10 for the single.
1. krogothmanhattan - black insert
2. chronicsky - black insert
3. SatsLife - black insert
4. Verndog - black insert
5. Cueneyt1986 - black insert
6. Cueneyt1986 - black insert
7. Cueneyt1986 - black insert
8. Cueneyt1986 - black insert
9. Haloxon - black insert
10. Dozerz - black insert
11. Dozerz - black insert
12. heisty - black insert
13. selassiesoildier - gold insert
14. selassiesoildier - black insert
15. minerjones - black insert
16. Lesbian Cow - black insert
17. sunnybwoy - black insert
18. sunnybwoy - black insert
19. sunnybwoy - black insert
20. mortare - black insert
21. seek3r - black insert
22. CryptooSID - black insert
23. CryptooSID - black insert
24. Haloxon - black insert
second batch - no ETA on date yet.
1. Haloxon - black insert
2. dustintrammell - black insert
3. dustintrammell - black insert
4. seek3r - black insert
5. LitLitBit - black insert
6. LitLitBit - black insert
7. LitLitBit - black insert
8. ChiBitCTy - black insert
9. ChiBitCTy - black insert
10. Hookzup1 - black insert
11. Hookzup1 - black insert
12. Hookzup1 - black insert
13. tweetious - black insert