If because of the incident online vote based on blockchain technology was successfully hacked and decided to return to the old ways.
Because it's something that the government needs to handle carefully, if this design of the
design got hacked they need to work on it and start collecting information how things take place,
they need to use the old voting system while doing it.
So the advancement of technology will take a long time to develop, in fact we must not give up on using online voting.
It takes time but you are correct there's should be no stopping now but to keeps on improving it to make it more safe from the hacks.
It is a technological breakthrough that must be done, but many improvements must be made so that security can be improved.
More on securities that's needs to focus to avoid more hacking like to happen in the future.
I am sure that if improvements continue to be made, we will find ways to improve the security system so that online voting is not easily hacked.
It will lessen the chance of being hack knowing that hackers are not stopping to find ways and also keeps on improving to continue penetrating on their target accounts.