is another interesting discussion, and it includes some interesting facts about the way we are destroying healthy food. He gives the example of ducks in public parks that are starting to have deformities. This is the result of them being fed on our modern bread.
just so you know at 46min when they said neanderphals evolved because they invented fishing, where they evolved due to (epa/dha)omega 3.. wrong
its actually the iodine which helped the thyroid gland(adams apple)
the greeks learned this thousands of years ago
they invented the word cretin
a 'cretin' was a neanderphal and was due to iodine deficiency/thyroid issues
they also leanred about the thyroid gland and later called it the adams apple
which is where the camp fire stories of ancient rome started to then spread a story to then make it sound more understandable that we evolved due to adam putting an apple in his throat. which later became stories of a garden of eden when the stories tweaked a bit per hearing it at different camp fires
i stopped watching after that as they obviously dont know enough about biology, history
funny part is. it sounds like a conspiracy theory
but the UK tories love calling people cretins. and desire to keep putting chlorine and fluorine in water that does affect the thyroid gland
fluorine in water does not break down and excrete. the diluted amount you drink and the milliseconds it passes your teeth before you swallow wont clean/help your teach but will do damage to your thyroid
so thats the only conspiracy that has merit to warn people not to allow fluorinated drinking water
bread contains bromine that effects the thyroid negatively too