Depends, if it was NSA, FBI or any of the sort, then hell yeah, but if it is Torvalds, Tanenbaum, Hellman or any other great mind or group of minds, I'd stay shut and just enjoy the IoT world from different perspective.
Given that we are heading into interchain era, automation, oracles, etc. I'm willing to accept that it might be the first group who's behind it all. We're improving the working mechanisms in ever existent AI powered by all devices connected to internet (IoT) by solving more and more complicated math tasks. Soon games like Sandbox will improve to RDR2 quality and beyond, we'll start spending more and more time in Virtual world, spending virtual currency, feeding of 3d printed food. Welcome to Matrix
We don't have to worry about last one switching off the light, crypto will never die, as it is a powerful means to achieving new world order that has to be perfected by everyday man's input, but it's wrapped in beautiful packaging called lambo and even if people are aware of that, they will still never stop improving it because of the gains. Let's face it, 80% of crypto enthusiasts don't even know how blockchain operates.
I'd like to believe it's just like Nobel's dynamite if shit goes down and technology gets used for wrong reasons, but having met dark side of human nature too many times I am very sceptical.
ok, back to the question:
Yes and No