All i can say is "Nice". All things had been listed on a single website with different tabs where you can able to search on what you've been looking for.Im not really that much bothered on dark theme but it would be good
if you can toggle or do have an option between dark and light.All of icons,logos,text are well placed and colored and when it comes to arrangement then i dont have any problems.
Lastly this should be on service discussion board rather than on gambling one.
Thank you so much for your very constructive critique. We will think about a light-mode aswell as posting this into the service discussion board.
Your website loaded fast and upon clicking the tabs above, they are very well quick and responsive. I can say that you have made very well and a good job for the creation of this website.
I have noticed on the tools, electrum is in there. It should be on the wallets tab.
Thank you very much. We added Electrum into wallets

I saw in the gambling section there was an Ads banner
do you also offer paid advertising?
You could write us at and we can talk about a placement. We are only considering trusted crypto sites though, no new casinos or sites.
Directory all crypto sites, including: exchange,trading,dapps, gambling, shops,defi apps, wallets,education,tools,faucet sites <- Updated on a daily basis
I thought directories aren't working. Can't direct to the tabs and nothing happened. But after a few seconds, navigation will be fine. Then repeat.
The error is
"NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.". My internet is fine and smooth.
For the feedback, aside from the site is clean and the interface is smooth, great work also for sorting website for easy find.
The thread should be on
Service AnnouncementsWe already work to solve that issue with the navigation, thanks for pointing it out.
Well, the site is good for me. Ease to use and the color is friendly user.
But in the wallet tab, I notice that there is Freewallet. Did you know that the reputation of that wallet here in the forum has a red-tagged by DT because they have different unresolved issues? If you have enough time OP, visit on [scam accusation] board and search that name, --you will see a different thread issue of that wallet. I hope you will filter what you have listed.
I personally use freewallet since a year now without any issue but I will take a very close look to those accusations! Thanks for reporting.
All i can say is "Nice". All things had been listed on a single website with different tabs where you can able to search on what you've been looking for.Im not really that much bothered on dark theme but it would be good
if you can toggle or do have an option between dark and light.All of icons,logos,text are well placed and colored and when it comes to arrangement then i dont have any problems.
Lastly this should be on service discussion board rather than on gambling one.
OP should move this on the service discussion board as this site is not only having gambling section.
But their gambling section has a lot to improve as there are popular casinos that are not yet on their list. the site is a good summary for crypto enthusiasts and beginners.
Thanks for your opinion, its worth a lot to us.
First of all I am very positively impressed how fast the page loads and how fast you can navigate on it. This is something you don't often experience, especially with newly started pages
Personally I don't find the name of your service very meaningful. You can't imagine what "bitpr0" is, you always need context information to assign the page to a topic, which leads to less clicks.
Which is also not quite clear to me: By which criteria do you sort the exchanges under "Trading"? If there is no criterion, I would sort them by name, otherwise I would write the criterion down. Otherwise the user might be mislead and think "bybit is the best exchange for trading because it comes first".
Thank you so much! We put a lot of work into it and the programming language of the website is basicly next level (nuxtJS)
Bitpr0 because if you visit us you seem like a crypto pro because you know all sites

We choosed this name over a search text name to make people remember it better then just cryptolinks24 or cryptolinklist, seemed too boring for our wonderful site

About the trading tab, we'll change the sortation of it soon to most volume in the "all sites" list. The popular sites list is automaticly changing through clicks. As the site is new we need more time to see who really are the most popular sites.
I like the design of the website, and the arrangement of each link is regular.
It's like one-stop services which give easiness to a visitor who wants to know about what is inside the crypto worlds.
They can know what is recommended website for each field, so if they want to trade, gamble, or even shopping, they will found out by browse on each category on that site.
I hope that the website will still update with the useful information, so the visitor can learn the new things that will always come out every day.
The next thing that the OP should do is promote his website in social media, hire some people to help the promotion, or use the other ways, so that can help the website to be known by many people out there.
Thank you very much! We will work on it on a daily basis to make it grow big organicly with daily twitter giveaways at and maybe a signature campagin soon?