Neocolonialism is the recent emergence from colonialism. I want to agree that colonialism is a direct or physical domination of people especially against there will, knowing or unknowingly consenting or forcefully. But neocolonialism has nothing to do with physical presence or consenting as it may be, it involves either dependency (knowingly or not).
Neocolonialism involves the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies or the control or domination by a powerful country over weaker ones (especially former colonies) by the use of economic pressure, political suppression and cultural dominance.
The above explains neocolonialism as it relates to colony and her colonial country.
However, neocolonialism has gone pass such simple narrative. Some developed countries too are facing this neocolonialism and other less developed countries are facing it with countries that have colonized them and also in the hands of world agencies like IMF, WHO, UNO, UNESCO etc. when they solicit for loan and other support because they give condition either to provide a certain percentage of manpower/professionals or condition for security.
Most of the third world countries are being recolonized by this neocolonialism because they are solely dependent on technologically advanced countries for almost every aspect of life and they are also getting alculrated as they are jettisoning their own culture and tradition for cultures new to their system even when the home culture isn't outdated or against natural
Neocolonialism as I said earlier is not only on the countries that are technogically less developed. Hence, as far there is trading, buying and selling , a developed nation can also be a victim of neocolonialism by having spy in their midst and agent maybe
There is a super state that controls most of the world, and they appoint the governments of countries to benefit themselves.
That is right and it is called
They benefit themselves at the expense of the country as a whole and the masses suffer it more.
Neocolonialism is not a symbiotic relationship but a master / servant relationship.
This is one way that it can also happen
Ways to know A country under the neocolonialism agenda are:
1. When a country can't process there raw material into any kind of utility goods they desire and also make use of its byproducts too. Countries that fall on this category are highly facing neocolonialism because they are going to be majorly an exporting country and that means they can't grow in GDP. They can't generate good foreign reserve. They can't grow there home industry and employment will be very high leading to many vices, unrest, economic and political instability.
2. Country that budget more percentage to recurrent expenditure/salaries rather than capital expenditure/projects. When you don't develop your roads, electricity, hospitals and other amenities, you don't grow economically and otherwise.
3. If your country travel alot to other countries. By doing this, they create jobs for the sectors being visited while providing foreign exchange for them and strengthing their currency because you have to convert to their currency, and that's making its demand higher.
4. When the country is surviving on loan from world organizations and countries. No country grows by servicing debt always.
5. A country that suffers from brain drain. This is because her best heads are scrabbling for greener pasture elsewhere because they are getting more incentive.
6.When your country is highly a consuming nation: You only get utility (by the way, utility in economies is when goods get to consumer as finished product or ready for consumption goods) when you transport raw material elsewhere for finished goods.
7.When your country is home to dumping of used technologies and products. Because the country can't produce them but desire them as means of survival.
8.When your country is always devaluing the currency. This is a sure signal because you get the advise that when you devalue, it takes care of inflation etc but that can work for a producing country not a dependent country.
Solution for running out of dependency and neocolonialism1.Education: This is foundation to all because everything starts at this level which is the basis. It includes formal and informal
2. Develop your technology: This is also important because you can build, construct and maintain your amenities yourself and save cost, reduce expatriates.
3. Strive to become a manufacturing country: This is important to build a master/master trade relationship and not master/servant. You have equal bargaining and exchange power.
4. Zero tolerance for corruption: As always, a corrupt country will always be a retrogressing country.