Agree because many people said YFI will beat Bitcoin in the future. I don't know why they can said like that, most of them only comparing with the price only [1]. Now this token worth $40,000 each due to pretty low max supply (30.000). But, the volume and market cap is very low rather than Bitcoin... it's pretty far to reach Bitcoin moreover to beat it.
Just save their prediction related screenshots on your computer who are giving this type self made price prediction about bitcoin and YFI. I am damn sure that very soon they will change their words like the always do. With a total supply of 30,000 token its easy to create hyip in the market but keeping the price stable is another thing. After seeing people's craze about YFI most of the old ICO scammers are now preparing their scam hole under the shadow of DeFi and thats the reason why we are seeing a lot of projects which are almost similar.
Fraudsters this take advantages due to hype, it's why we see so many copycats of Yearn Finance (YFI) start with "Y" letter.
Yeah you are right. It will be so hard to get a new domain for anyone which starts with "Y"
