The fact that such a large chunk of the population is dipping into their retirement funds is indicative of a larger systemic debt and savings problem. It reflects the reality that most people already live somewhat close to hand-to-mouth, and have no real savings to draw on in a multi-year or even multi-month downturn (aside from their retirement account).
Wiping out their retirement accounts is just staving off the inevitable implosion of the debt bubble. The government knows this is a terrible solution, but the only other options are to borrow or print loads more helicopter money.
It is not 100% a financial situation that makes them go into their retirement funds, don't get me wrong I hate the financial system we currently have as much as the next guy, working for peanuts to make someone else rich, having someone so rich that poorest 100 nations combined do not worth that much, all of these are horrible and I agree that people go into their savings because of covid is a reality as well.
However, one thing I would like to point out is that even when you do not need money at all, there are tons of people who still go into their retirement fund whenever they can because they want to spend the money right now instead of waiting to be older, it could be better investment according to them, it could be for their business or it could be as simple as getting a new car because people are not really smart with their money.
I get it. It's hard for people to think in terms of retirement, especially when it could be several decades out. If you think about it, a lot of people probably think of this as "free money" too. Their accounts are employer matched and have grown with the market's gains over the past decade. The only thing stopping them from emptying their accounts before was 1) not having their employer match fully vested (this can take several years) and 2) the tax penalty on early withdrawals. Now that the tax penalty has been removed (and people also have a legitimate fear of short term financial difficulties on the horizon) it's not a big surprise that people are digging into their retirement funds.
Like I was saying before, this phenomenon is completely tied together with our culture of consumerism, which was already driving our economy off a cliff because of the inevitable drive towards debt deflation and subsequent bubble pop. breakdown of the retirement savings system will just accelerate things.