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Author Topic: Mod made a mistake ? Or is corrupted. Don't hide away, present your argument.  (Read 298 times)
KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 09:42:10 AM
Last edit: September 28, 2020, 11:04:30 AM by KaneVWE

This thread accusing people of trolling with no examples of the trolling they are refering to presented
Was launched here?

It makes all kinds of bogus statements and accuses my account and others of " trolling "

I ask them to present an example of the conclusively debunked as false information my account is presenting as true aka trolling ?
They refuse to do so? They refuse to present any examples at all ?


Because they know I can corroborate the on topic and relevant claims I am making with independently verifiable evidence here. Aka they are relevant truths that the reader is fully entitled to and should not be deprived of.

These members are clearly trying to prevent the truth being presented and want a misleading account presented to the reader.

I want to know how mods here allow false accusations to continue to be presented where the specifically accused are prevented from asking for examples or evidence from the accuser??

Which mod is so dumb they believe you should be accused and yet asking for some evidence of the accusation by the accused must be deleted LOL

This means innocent members are not allowed to debunk false claims? What a corrupt place it has become.

Bring the mentally deficient moderator here please so I can demonstrate they clearly need to be removed

What sort of forum proclaiming to favor free speech would even consider hiring mods that prevent the specifically slandered to request evidence of examples of the alleged  claims made against them.

I bet the mod will hide away and never be named. Coward.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

Still waiting for specific examples of the claimed trolling?


Perhaps you will present a specific example of the trolling that you agree should not be responded  to?

The objective reader here must be very confused as to why members crying about the " hyper trolling "
Can provide any examples of the trolling?

It's like they are afraid to present anything for fear it will be clearly demonstrate to be the truth and not trolling at all?

This challenge is obviously too much for notblox and suchmoon they dare not.
Surely there is one among you that can provide a specific example of conclusively debunked information being promulgated as true??

Come on this is becoming silly?

Why are you all crying about trolling that you can not even locate and present when challenged by your alleged "hyper troll"

The only sensible conclusion is that the accusers are liars ? Or that they are fearful their claims will collapse under scrutiny.

I say there is Zero trolling and no conclusively debunked information being presented as true by this account.
The fact nobody has been able to present any examples, clearly demonstrates this is the case.

Why do constant nobody accounts keep turning up and promugating false claims of trolling ?

Why are the they trolling me like this? What have I ever done but present the truth. ? Or highly plausible statements corroborated by independently verifiable evidence?

Lol at these DT1 scammers scam facilitators and their corrupt and scamming facilitator mods.

Bring you arguments here for public evisceration.

How about I and some friends just start threads about what to do about those posting scamming guides on this forum. Credit card numbers etc etc and then list the members hilarious and co,  flying hellfish , etc with no fucking evidence or examples at all.

We all just keep saying well let's report them to the police, let's dox them.

Meantime their claims they never did posted any guides on how to scam people and their asking for examples or evidence of them doing so is deleted??


Reinstate my post before Or explain how you believe it a legitmate delete?

I will start making accusations I can not provide examples for about mods see how they like it if that is how it's going to work around here. Which mod deleted it. I wonder if they will dare respond or just hide cowering away from a public debate on this.

How does one trace which particular mod deleted your post? What place hides the corrupt weasels that moderate here.  Why hide the names? If they can provide a sensible and credible reason for the delete why hide it?

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September 28, 2020, 11:17:29 AM

Stop trolling and you won't be branded as a troll.

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September 28, 2020, 11:18:09 AM

I guess the best is maybe you ask this Users to get an Answer , they should know it !

cryptohunter Thread : Mods now deleting posts regarding them supporting scammers? how far can it go?
cryptohunter Thread : MODS DELETING FACTS - which mod is it? Time for them to answer for this.
The-One-Above-All  Thread :  OFF TOPIC OR.... corrupt mods again will be hiding away?

KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 11:21:38 AM
Last edit: September 28, 2020, 11:16:17 PM by KaneVWE

Stop trolling and you won't be branded as a troll.


Typical merit seeking moron unable to comprehend that since they have failed to present any posts demonstrating trolling; that I was never therefore a troll. Ergo I can not stop doing something that I am not or have not done.

Now watch the imbecile run away.

Lafu ( the member working for and pushing people into what looks like one of the largest exit scams in recent years cryptopia) for once had a semi sensible idea. So I searched around for answers and found many more strange and unexplained deletes. One sensible  member even documented all of his.

This is though irrelevant to this specific delete.

The question remains can you have threads making baseless accusations and proposing punishment for alleged " infractions " that they can not present any evidence of them ever taking place?
When the accused requests examples or evidence of their alleged infractions the accusers run away and just keep repeating their baseless accusations.
Then mods come along and prevent the accused from asking for evidence and pointing out the hilarious fact that the accusers have not presented any evidence for their specious claims at all.

This kind of one sided and deliberately misleading moderation and reporting is ridiculous since these same mods are refusing to delete the same people inserting images that demand legitimate but inconvenient discussions are stopped?

New mods required.  Or make me a moderator here. I will be able to present a robust case that will not be debunked by any member as reasoning for any delete that I make or if there were to be a strange or singular occurrence that I had made a mistake, I would reinstate the post with a full apology.

I will require zero payment and will never wear any sigs. Totally free and objective independently verifiable moderation for free?

Lets first hear why the post was deleted.

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September 28, 2020, 11:33:55 AM

KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 11:46:16 AM

This above spamming and low quality demand to stop the discussion was reported and will provide a nice example of the moderation bias here.

I have reported this exact spamming  post 5 times now in 5 legitimate threads and it has been marked bad each time??

So it seems undeniable we need to get some mods fired and bring on some credible moderators here.

How can mods allow constant baseless accusations where the accusers can provide zero evidence to support their claims.  
Yet the accused get their posts deleted where they ask for evidence and pointing out that these same baseless accusations always fail to bring any evidence or examples.

Then allow these same accusers to visit any legitmate thread by the accused and splatter it with images demanding the discussion stops? WTF?

This is quite ridiculous. This adds nothing but credibility to those other well known prior members that complain the moderation here is one sided resulting in very misleading narratives and lies being promulgated as true.

Mods here need to answer these questions because hiding up just looks more shady.
If you had a good reason to delete the post bring it here for public analysis.

Clearly if you suspect your "reasoning" for deletion are biased or corrupt or nefarious then you will run away and hide up.

Who reported and who is the mod?
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September 28, 2020, 12:04:18 PM
Merited by The Sceptical Chymist (2)

Now, I'm only going to play from the first post in this thread, because if we use all of Cryptohunter's posts then A) it becomes far too easy to win, and B) I lose too many brain cells reading them all.

But anyway:

12 in one post, plus a full diagonal! That's the best result yet!
KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 12:23:25 PM
Last edit: September 28, 2020, 11:10:29 PM by KaneVWE

Now, I'm only going to play from the first post in this thread, because if we use all of Cryptohunter's posts then A) it becomes far too easy to win, and B) I lose too many brain cells reading them all.

But anyway:

12 in one post, plus a full diagonal! That's the best result yet!

Lol the imbecile proving just how stupid he is.

Creates the " game " based on frequently occurring words from the cryptohunter account ( apparently) then says, well if I used all of cryptohunters posts from the beginning,  it would be easy to form rows or diagonally connected frequently occurring words from cryptohunters posts.

That is practically hilarious.

Also the lack of observable instances demonstrates a lack of knowledge of ch posting style and recent and familiar favourites whilst smashing DT and meta clowns into submission and hiding.

Anyway ignoring the speculation of origin which is not relevant to this specific discussion and is of course foolish since I am clearly enjoying posting in a similar style to those great legends that proceeded this account.

Let's get back to deleting VERY on topic. VERY relevant posts which present the truth ( no examples of evidence is presented to corroborate the claims of the accusers ) and pointing out if no evidence or examples can be found from my meager posting history that clearly demonstrate conclusively debunked information being presented as true  then the accusers are lying and misleading the reader

Now let's hear from the mod, not the deliberately misleading and moronic fools that have tried to derail the thread thus far.

Where is it hiding away? Knowing it has no argument that will stand up to scrutiny for this bias delete.
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September 28, 2020, 12:24:38 PM

12 in one post, plus a full diagonal! That's the best result yet!

So... cryptohunter wins? I'm a bit at a loss as to how this is supposed to work. What's the prize? A temp ban? I feel like there should be some fine print and you need to make sure your bingo parlor is registered in every jurisdiction.
KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 12:32:36 PM

12 in one post, plus a full diagonal! That's the best result yet!

So... cryptohunter wins? I'm a bit at a loss as to how this is supposed to work. What's the prize? A temp ban? I feel like there should be some fine print and you need to make sure your bingo parlor is registered in every jurisdiction.

I agree with suchmoon a temp ban for ieooee for attempting to derail and spamming and possible infringement on the CH trademark. That can be looked into.

But enough with the jokes, off topic spam, and derailing attempts of those that fear the truth.
I expect suchmoron has been reporting my truths as she usually attempts to do.

I have asked her specifically many times for examples of where I have promulgated conclusively debunked false information as true aka trolling but she runs away each time I do so?
Now she probably just demands her mod bitches delete the challenges so she stops looking so foolish.

Who reported it and which mod was complicit?

Obviously all replies are useful but some must be deleted at a later date. You can not allow people to post demands that legitimate debates and discussions are stopped.
In memoriam
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September 28, 2020, 12:37:03 PM

So... cryptohunter wins? I'm a bit at a loss as to how this is supposed to work. What's the prize? A temp ban? I feel like there should be some fine print and you need to make sure your bingo parlor is registered in every jurisdiction.
Nobody wins, the forum loses.
KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 12:49:45 PM

So... cryptohunter wins? I'm a bit at a loss as to how this is supposed to work. What's the prize? A temp ban? I feel like there should be some fine print and you need to make sure your bingo parlor is registered in every jurisdiction.
Nobody wins, the forum loses.

Cryptohunter wins. We know that always happens. Having researched very thoroughly his entire history and that of all the speculated alts I see not 1 single debate or argument he ever lost or that his points were ever debunked.

The reason being as far as I can tell is he only engaged or started debates where he presented the truth or was fighting to fairness and equality. Plus that whilst he was in meta his opponents were clearly rather low functioning and super greedy and scammy and loved to indulge in some spectacular self debunking here and there.

The same will happen here since I am replicating the former greats in my pursuit to bring the truth, fairness and equality to this forum.
The reporter and the complicit mod will either run away or have their arguments and reasons for the delete smashed and eviscerated in public.

Some scammers and scammer protectors never learn: you can not debunk the truth or get away with branding it trolling.
Go ahead a keep trying though. It brings me pleasure.

Keep the posts rolling in fast please. I do hate feet draggers.  Especially when they are useful knuckle draggers haha
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September 28, 2020, 02:51:24 PM

Cryptohunter wins. We know that always happens. Having researched very thoroughly his entire history and that of all the speculated alts I see not 1 single debate or argument he ever lost or that his points were ever debunked.
It's interesting to note that cryptohunter has about 50 pages worth of content to go through, which encompasses over 1000 posts alone across the year of replies before his posts ceased. And yet you say you've researched thoroughly not only their post history, but also that of the speculated alts (list, please). How long have you been researching the posts?

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September 28, 2020, 03:55:46 PM

How does one trace which particular mod deleted your post? What place hides the corrupt weasels that moderate here.  Why hide the names? If they can provide a sensible and credible reason for the delete why hide it?

You can't. Only an admin or the person who removed your post can answer that. Most forums I've been on don't tell you who deleted your post. In fact, most forms seemingly don't even notify you of the deleted post which is even more annoying as it just disappears without warning.

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KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 05:47:00 PM
Last edit: September 28, 2020, 11:18:24 PM by KaneVWE

Cryptohunter wins. We know that always happens. Having researched very thoroughly his entire history and that of all the speculated alts I see not 1 single debate or argument he ever lost or that his points were ever debunked.
It's interesting to note that cryptohunter has about 50 pages worth of content to go through, which encompasses over 1000 posts alone across the year of replies before his posts ceased. And yet you say you've researched thoroughly not only their post history, but also that of the speculated alts (list, please). How long have you been researching the posts?

Very thoroughly. I wish I could answer that accurately, but yes It took a while
List of speculated alts? Well aside from TOAA and some others that have been accused of being cryptohunter due to similarities in style. I've not examined all of your posts although I see you you've even been able to mimick his posting style and even explained it was a very simple and basic kind of mess that was easy enough for most to replicate . I couldn't agree more.
Searching for the truth is always of interest to me, and to spend time and effort evaluating opinions and evidence is enjoyable.

I'm always very interested in talking about any member that is brave enough to make sacrifices to stand up for the truth.
However in this specific thread I would prefer to hear from the reporter and the mod that was  complicit with deleting the post in question.

Thanks to hilarious and co for explaining there was no way to find out who deleted the post or who reported it and what their reasoning was for executing the request.

The same as it is impossible to find out what moderator marks my reports bad of the same person  spamming my threads regularly with pictures demanding members stop contributing to my legitimate debates.

This maybe should be different for meta than the rest of the forum.

In general serious accusations ( especially those than have serious consequences more serious even than proven scamming ) should be required to post conclusive evidence. If they are unable to present any corroborating evidence at all and refuse to do so then they should be banned  themselves for trolling. If you are claiming a person has taken action on this forum then how is it possible you have no evidence of this especially if you claim they are constantly repeating it.

This is not difficult to understand. If I claim you are a hyper troll and should therefore be banned, but im unable to present any examples of trolling at all? Then after you ask me 50 x and each time nobody can bring even 1 example of your trolling but I still continue to stalk your threads and post big images saying " don't feed the troll" or similar and you complained to the mods and they marked your reports bad? You would start to wonder?

Then I make more threads naming you as a hyper troll and continuing to fail to present any evidence at all, then you ask again for any examples or evidence of your trolling and say legitimately: well since the accuser.and nobody else can present any evidence of trolling it seems like a bogus and baseless accusation, but a mod deletes your post?so it looks like you just accept this ?

Lol I mean it is very strange that most people in meta prefer to try to either end this discussion, or still promulgate false information of trolling by saying " just stop trolling "  or enquires over time taken to read through members past histories.

No member here says : well yes that is fucked up, you shouldn't make continuous baseless accusations for which you can not provide any examples of trolling at all and then demand punishment and then ask mods to remove the accuseds requests to see the evidence of trolling he is accused of and remove the person being accused post sensible stating well if you have no evidence of trolling  stop talking shit and making baseless accusations.

The entire thing is ridiculous.

The thing is when forcing the accusers to drill down more they accept they can not demonstrate that what I am posting is true ( because you can not debunk the independently verifiable truth), but they claim is not relevant and on topic.

That is an entirely different accusation and must not be conflated with trolling.

What they are really saying is they don't want inconvenient truths that are relevant and on topic to be posted.
Sorry that's too bad.

Now if you want to get strict with on topic and relevant on me then we must get strict with on topic and relevant with all members.
I'm all for hammering out a permitted flow guide but as in the past when members have tried to suggest it nobody was interested.

The same as hammering out a more stringent and reliable set of rules for leaving merit. Nobody wants that either.

But anyway let's await the mod. If he doesn't come and explain then fair enough but if I had a clear and correct case for deleting a post i would simply present it and crush the members claims of bias and corruption.

That's just me though i like transparency and fair play.

I wouldn't object as strongly usually but this a particularly nasty case of deleting a persons ability to question or challenge those memebrs making serious and baseless accusations over and over.
The Sceptical Chymist
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September 28, 2020, 06:03:25 PM

How does one trace which particular mod deleted your post? What place hides the corrupt weasels that moderate here. <snip>
You can't. Only an admin or the person who removed your post can answer that. Most forums I've been on don't tell you who deleted your post. In fact, most forms seemingly don't even notify you of the deleted post which is even more annoying as it just disappears without warning.
And who the fuck cares what mod deleted what post?  This isn't your forum; you're only a member here, and nothing guarantees that your posts won't get deleted.  The forum, the mods, Theymos, none of them owe you or anyone else an explanation about anything.

Sound like a raw deal?  Feel free to move on to a forum that better suits your needs.  Bitcointalk is not some sort of democracy, and all your raging and whining won't change that fact--nor is the forum going to bend to your needs, wants, demands, whatever.



KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 09:01:26 PM

How does one trace which particular mod deleted your post? What place hides the corrupt weasels that moderate here. <snip>
You can't. Only an admin or the person who removed your post can answer that. Most forums I've been on don't tell you who deleted your post. In fact, most forms seemingly don't even notify you of the deleted post which is even more annoying as it just disappears without warning.
And who the fuck cares what mod deleted what post?  This isn't your forum; you're only a member here, and nothing guarantees that your posts won't get deleted.  The forum, the mods, Theymos, none of them owe you or anyone else an explanation about anything.

Sound like a raw deal?  Feel free to move on to a forum that better suits your needs.  Bitcointalk is not some sort of democracy, and all your raging and whining won't change that fact--nor is the forum going to bend to your needs, wants, demands, whatever.

Wow, there you have it folks. The noob trash, broke down bum,  low functioning and greedy sock puppeting trolling spammer Hugeblackwoman aka thepharmacist has spoken. So yeah, you can safely disregard that morons every word. Unless you get a cheap thrill from watching mongoloids spazing out in public.  I hope you do not though, because that would be wrong of course.
I have no idea what hilarious and co has done to upset him again.

But anyway back to those that have a full set of untainted chromosomes.

When you start to pressure these DT chipmixer crew and their wanna be pals.

Their arguments and claims just collapse. They run through their routine of meeting inconvenient truths with red tags, then when that doesn't work they will try to get you banned, then will make up excuses that fall apart, then they will claim you're a troll,  then when that fails they will ask mods to delete the truths, then when you highlight that is taking place, they say who cares if it is? This isn't a democracy haha.   

Nobody owes you any explanation of why your on topic truths and independently verifiable and undeniable debunking of our lies is deleted they say.  Then when people say the forum is biased and crushes free speech to form an one sided and misleading account of reality and the truth they say... what a load of bullshit.

Of course that was thepharmacist talking there. One of hyper low functioning of the dregs on DT1.  So that was easy pickings and I feel bad even addressing his sub human slobbering.

So just to recap : no reporter owned up and presented their reasoning to report and mod still in hiding not daring to present a legitimate case for a delete that would stand up to scrutiny.

Bunches of low functioning plebs making excuses or lending unintentional support and some others asking seemingly diversionary questions.

I see.

I wonder if anyone can offer a credible reason for deleting that post.
Let's wait and see. Certainly if they can do so and explain why my reports of certain individual frequently stalking and spamming my threads with pictures demanding the legitimate  discussions stop even when they have admitted they have me on ignore so are unable to read the posts I am making?. They would certainly be interesting people to engage with.

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September 28, 2020, 09:08:29 PM

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KaneVWE (OP)
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September 28, 2020, 09:24:04 PM

The reader should note that the above post by nobollox1

Is an attempt to shut down the discussion.  Nobollox1 was also the thread starter who is making the baseless accusations he got called on and could not provide any evidence to support. So spreading lies it seems.

I wonder why this poor cretin would like to prevent a discussion that examines people continuously making false accusations and then when they get asked for evidence they can't provide because it does not exist, they or their pals get the mods to delete posts that demonstrate they are full of shit.
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September 29, 2020, 08:08:28 AM

Whole DT-system are corrupted & occupied by trolls. They are Lauda, TMAN, Pharmacist, Foxpup, suchmoon & nutildah

Says the one who trolls the community with false news  Roll Eyes
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