My electrum wallet was working fine. All of a sudden my wallet turned into a "watch only" wallet. I can't send btc. My balance still appears.
Wallets don't magically change to "watch only"... I would guess you have accidentally opened the wrong wallet file.
Do as suggested and check "File -> Open" and see what wallet files appear.
Then when I attempted to send btc to someone's wallet, my transaction attempt would just sit in pending.
You can't spend from a "watching only" wallet. It doesn't have the private keys necessary to sign transactions.
And I would be asked for my pin prior to attempting to send and it would say something about spendable.
PIN? Do you mean wallet password?
Also my 12 key phrase, 2 of the words are identical
Is this normal? I tried to enter my 12 digit phrase into an external wallet and nothing happened.
Yes, it's normal... as noted, Electrum seeds are not compatible with other wallets.
So, check "File -> Open" and see what other wallet files are there, you
actual wallet file is likely to be listed there... alternatively, just create a new copy of your wallet by using "File -> New/Restore -> Standard Wallet -> I already have a seed" and then put in your 12 word seed mnemonic.
It should restore a complete copy of your wallet, but will include the private keys... it should say "[standard]" at the top instead of "[watching-only]"... and you'll be able to spend coins again