I am looking games that will give their player a rewards in an any form of token or coin, It is the best way to include in our daily chores while playing trade, I don't want to waste my time in doing anything infront of my PC, so while i am waiting for the market to move and make a good trading spot, its good to play games and earn some reward, I hope this list is good.
In that case I can suggest
https://playtoearn.net/blockchaingame/axie-infinityAxie Infinity is currently the most played Blockchain Game out there.
You can earn up to 500 SLP crypto token a day (worth ~15$ right now) by playing the game.
https://playtoearn.net/crypto-token/small-love-potionIt's a mobile game with desktop support. To play the game, you are required to purchase 3 Non-Fungible-Token Monster called Axie.
You can purchase those here:
https://marketplace.axieinfinity.com/axieThanks, really appreciated your recommendation, the game looks interesting, after done creating account I saw that the games ask you to have a Axie in my metamask wallet, my question is, is this the only requirement to play this game or I need to put some money in a form of Axie to play this game?