StiX is a new innovative reward giving company, with tokens based on the
Ethereum Network. We aim to give everyone inside and outside Cryptocurrency
the opportunity to be in it and be excited again! Stix offers proper education for
anyone (potential interested people, investors and companies outside of Crypto)
and to give everyone a chance to earn money online for participation
on our fun competitions on media like Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and
THE GOALFirst of all, we start off with a token sale. The goals of the tokensale is
1. We are able to sign certain agreements with exchanges for listings,
that we will announce and release overtime. We have already a network of interested and
supportive exchanges.
2. We are able to place our advertisings on several websites, billboards,
flyers, facebook, bing & google ads for different competition announcements and
tutorial video advertisements.
3. We collect funds in order to start phase 2 of the company when the community
growth is spiking.
Phase 2 consist in developing and executing a unique payment app for
Stix Tokens to add more value to it. We also develop an non-techsavvy
StiX application that is used for signing up for competitions and track status.
4. Funds will be used for strategic buyback and burn
After the token sale we will launch alot of fun and entertaining competitions
over the coming years.
We will have a lot of micro holders and that will increase demand for tokens
overtime. Since 97% of all competitors worldwide will hold untill a certain
amount of tokens collected and trade for FIAT, ETH or BTC, other alts.
There is a lot of space for price growth of the StiX tokens.
THE MOTIVATIONThe motivation behind realising this company came forth out of many years of
investing and researching in Blockchain technology and the dissapointment that a lot of
people have suffered from scams, fraud and runaway criminals in the past years.
The last drop before the CEO said, “I am going to make a change!” was following
a very nice community that was really excited of that “promising” project, everyone was
caught by suprice by yet another runaway scam...
All this that happens, has a very negative impact on the crypto market,
investors who learn or litterally got caught by suprice. These scammers and criminals
have no clue how negative the impact is for really promising businesses!
This should be stopped and the least what StiX can do is give everyone a great experience,
make it exciting to compete for cryptocurrency and to shrink these cases by giving
proper education for free. We want to see this technology full of innovation become
successful and mass adopted!
FOR WHOThis company is not just for the community of StiX, there is a masterplan
behind this unique company.. The plan is to give a boost to all LEGITIMATE companies,
coins, overall market and by that comes investors. It will also have a big impact on the
view towards cryptocurrency from the people that are potentially interested.
We give them the chance to play with crypto in a safe and non-risk way.
EDUCATION THROUGH ADVERTISINGWe have educational videos for everyone. We have tutorial series that we will release
after the token sale, and this includes how to buy cryptocurrency.
We will educate about the big risks of investing in hype projects, decentralised
companies with information that is not legitimate nor traceable. The importancy of
proper research methods. Ofcourse scammers are often a step ahead so we will step it
up a notch with providing information to all that we seen by many years of experience
in the field.
What is really important for other companies that are really making amazing steps
in the technology development is that we will also provide information about those
companies. This is not meant as direct promoting of companies but as a support
to the companies that really are keyplayers in the ways to mass adoption and
improvement of Blockchain technology.
Early tokensale date: early sale 13 november till 10 december 2020
Amount available maximum: 100,000,000,000
Price $0.000050 per token
Mid tokensale date: 11 december till 17 december 2020
Amount available this round: 75,000,000,000
Price: $0.000060
Last chance tokensale: 18 december till 25 december 2020
Amount available this round: 25,000,000,000
Price: $0.000075
Token name: StiX
Token symbol:
QSTSupply: 255,000,000,000
Decimals: 0
Amount of StiX you recieve per 0.10 ETHEREUM: 935000 QST
FINAL WORDSAll together we have so much potential to show the world what makes it worth to invest in Cryptocurrency.
Maiby even concider starting up a business that is build through Cryptocurrency since a lot of people are interested in new innovations within
this space. With the participations of everyone, not only you will be rewarded but all of us will get more attention and that equals
more newcomers, more liquidity, maturing of the market and intensifying the level of “serious” in these markets. At this moment,
everything is a mess.. We can start cleaning it up.. with YOU! Are you ready for an new exciting business?? Are you ready to be rewarded no matter if you are last place? Getting more value in crypto every month with showing your awesome content!
Be with us! Soon we announce our first exchange that we will build our solid future with! That exchange does not require KYC and also accepts US participants.
https://www.stix.company# Advertisement above in image format (Can't "race" to Jr. member)
https://stix.company/Stix%20advertisement%20V3.pngWebsite — Visit Site
https://stix.company Whitepaper
https://stix.company/Whitepaper%20STIX%20public%20updated%20V1.0.7-compressed.pdf Telegram community channel -
https://t.me/StiXOfficialCommunityTelegram announcement channel -
https://t.me/StiXAnnouncements# All other links and information you will find on our website, Contest button is currently disabled. During Token offering we will enable it to look into upcoming competitions so you can prepare for them! For any business or partnership proposals, you can E-mail us. We can always bring it to discussion. The CEO is preparing the first explanation on video for everyone and a general talk about our vision, competition explanations, goals & future goals. Stay tuned! We have an Youtube channel where the video's all be placed.