First off, it ain’t a scam, I said I have 920,540 miles for sale for btc. Not saying I could transfer it all at once. Shoot me your email and I’ll show u my balance. Stop hating
You don't have 920,540 miles
FOR SALE as your topic says. You may have that many miles but the most you can sell/transfer is 150,000
every year so it doesn't matter if you have 3 million miles. As someone who has allegedly EARNED almost a million miles you would be well aware of that. You actually have 150,000 "to sell" assuming you haven't already sold any this year. So you don't have 920,540 miles FOR SALE, you MIGHT have 150,000 which will cost you $1750 to transfer out of your account in 5 batches of 30,000. It's not hating, it's posting FACTS. If it looks like a fish, swims like a fish and smells like a fish ... it's usually fishy.