● Reason to create new ERC token
I need money ... so need to find out a good reason for collecting them. Imo it should be like:
1- find a niche - something that people need but is not yet delivered or you can do it better
2- create business plan and start developing your product
3- if you are out of funds for development than try to collect them by emitting token
99.99% of tokens are not necessary and harms end user experience (you have to use my token to use my service, and token is extremely volatile so you have to gamble each time you want to use my service). People should stop thinking about a reason to create token. They should start thinking how my product can create profit, how to push user experience to the limit and then think how to get founds and how to create value for token that does not affect user experience. 2017 bubble is over its time to build something that work.
● Develop a worthy crypto wallet to store token
You don't need to develop wallet for every single token. You can use Metamask for ETH tokens, tronlink for Tron tokens etc.
Short tutorial on how easy it is to launch your own ETH token - whole process takes less than 1h.