Dosta smo se glupih igrica naigrali sa Ledgerom i ja prelazim na Trezor.
Još mora da se uradi login na neku novu web stranicu, tako da bi ja preporučio da koristite neki alternativni mail za prijavu, ili čekajte da vas kontaktira neki haker.
Da li oni to hoće za 500 dolara da nadju bugove
ili sam u krivu?
a vidi ovo:
Due to the nature of this CTF, hardware contention might become an issue for a few challenges. If this situation occurs, we might introduce a time-slot per participant to mitigate this.
Finally, Ledger may decide to cancel the challenges if it appears that obvious fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever, including computerized in the context of participation in the challenges or the determination of the Winner. Personal information: All personal data collected in connection with the challenges shall be processed by Ledger for the purpose of participation in the challenges.