You need to have 7x full wins / losses.
Unfortunately we cannot validate your streak, as it contains "half wins" - as you are aware it happens on 0.25 / 0.75 goals markets.
Jackpot continues with
0.012BTC - 7 day no winner ..
Hmmm.. I'm not aware with that..
is this the particular bet you are referring?
Bet Win | Stake BTC 0.0005 @ Odd 1.522 - Sport Huancayo (+0.25) | Coquimbo vs Sport Huancayo - 9c9a748249cbdce4
Cruzeiro vs Vitoria, also the Coquimbo vs Sport Huancayo, and probably more.
Please ensure that only full wins / losses are eligible:
In that example you posted the bet should have paid out 0.00026100
BTC, but only paid 0.00013050