BTW amazing job painting a visual picture using words and just pipes and arrows.
But I am still confused about vout. Why are they always 0 or 1 or 2??
They are just a sequence of "outputs", numbered from 0... up to (number of outputs - 1) so if you have 1 output, it will be vout = 0... if you have 10 outputs created by the transaction, you will have 10 vouts numbered 0-9. If you have 100 outputs, they'll be number 0-99 etc.
this transaction.... it has 15 outputs, so the highest vout = 14.
The reason most transactions only have vout 0 or 1, is simply because that is the most common type of transaction, sending to one recipient, that either sends ALL the coins to that recipient, so only one output... so only vout = 0...
They send to one recipient and create "change"... so 2 outputs created... so vout = 0 and vout =1.
Correct me if I am wrong, so there are 2 types of TXIDs.. one's which are receipts of coins received by me and ones which are sent by me.
No, there is no "type" of TXID. The TXID (ie. Transaction ID) is simply a hash of the transaction data... With regards to transactions that might show in your wallet history, you can think of them as being two different types... "Receiving" transactions, where someone is sending coins from
an address that is external to your wallet to an address controlled by your wallet... and "Sending" transactions, where coins are being sent from your wallet to somewhere else.
And the output of :
bitcoin-cli listreceivedbyaddress
shows both types of txids
No... as per the help text,
listreceivedbyaddress simply groups all the "receive" type transactions by address...
List balances by receiving address
it will not show "sending" transactions, nor will it show your "change" addresses that are receiving coins from sending transactions that you initiate.