Hello and thank you for your message,
please be informed, that we don't have such thing as cancelling the withdrawal. If you see "Cancelled" status, then it is done by the system automatically due to one of the reasons.
- Insufficient balance
- Bonus conditions not met
- No KYC submitted
- KYC limit reached
- Fraudulent activities
Please address to our FB chat support for the maximum info and provide them your UID, so they can resolve the issue ASAP for you,
Thank you,
Binfair Team
My balance is more then sufficient.
I did not receive a bonus.
My KYC isn't needed for the withdrawal of my size.
KYC limit is also not reached.
And there is no fraudulent activity taking place.
I already adressed your FB chat support and all you are doing is telling me, every day that you are waiting for your colleague.
Hi and thanks for your update.
Do you still experience issue with withdrawal please?