Here is the official paper: somebody is interested there isn't a single mention of the word cryptocurrency or bitcoin in it but two pages about oil and gas.
And the end shows that this is more like a recommendation:
Furthermore, under the proposal, a covered bank could deny a person access to a financial service without violating its obligation to provide fair access to financial services if the bank’s decision is justified by the quantified and documented failure of the person to meet quantitative, impartial risk-based standards established by the bank in advance (e.g., the person’s inability to pay for the service or creditworthiness or an objective assessment of the person’s collateral).
Nothing in the proposal would require a bank to offer a particular service; the proposal requires only that the financial services offered by a bank to some customers are offered on proportionally equal terms to all customers engaged in lawful activities.
Guess some business group is lobbying hard for this, and all those references to oil and energy make me wonder if this is not some kind of lobby from the already cash-striped shale gas sector that is in desperate need of loans with the price stagnating at 40$ for almost a year.