My guide is - if it makes my life better and spending it isn't going to haunt me then why not? When you only buy things that improve your life that immediately removes most purchases from consideration.
I'm going to be a purple gaseous corpsebag soon no matter what. No doubt what I spend will be worth vastly more in future and at these price levels that's fine for minor buys.
It would be a bit different if I'd spent 60 BTC on a bunch of computer games back in the day.
I did things exactly like this "back in the day" (although I am not living in 1990's America as a hip hop/r'n'b afficionado as one might expect, and so sincere use such vernacular would make me sound like some embarassment of a tv-panel show addict watching pub wit/wisdom cretin desperately trying to appear trendy by way of slangwords from 30 years ago)
And I did it precisely because I knew the BTC would be worth more in future, and that keeping it all to myself (when I have no need for ludicrous sums of money) would be the best way to spread Bitcoin's network effect faster, and to do so to reward the brave and pioneering (small & independent) merchants who chose to try it, when they could have chosen an apparently safer option.
(I know what you're thinking: but no, I probably do have more BTC than you: spending income as BTC does not mean spending your savings too, as stated previously)I'm at the point where I don't have a great deal of fiat in comparison anyway.
we're all really happy for you, now that you feel rich. well, except for all the people that you could have spent your income as BTC with in the meantime, because you were choosing the safest possible option for little old you.
Really, this technology in this age absolutely exposes people's true convictions: many people took spectacular risks with their safety and their career prospects, giving up everything to be involved not just because of the monetary rewards, but also how it could empower people to protect their own rights in the 21st century. The impact isn't even fully realised yet, but will certainly accelerate faster than the rate of increase of usage & adoption.
And some people just sat around rubbing their sweaty palms together, waiting to get rich :-/
If you're one of the latter: PLEASE SELL. You're only a rung above the weakest hands, because when the political forces that dislike this little monetary revolution start to put pressure on you, you will fold like you're going for the origami world record. You're all clearly desperate enough to give
anything in order to be able to keep your riches, including:
- following gov mandated hard-forks
- getting your BTC whitelisted with KYC outfits
- using miners who handle only whitelisted BTC (via out of band tx propagation)
...and whatever other concepts that the owners of the banking system would prefer in order to maintain their political power. If you'll essentially sell your own asshole in order to attain some pathetic, fawning 21st century new-money status, please sell said asshole forthwith, because we have a monetary and self-sovereignty coup d'etat to conduct, and your vapid self-serving nihilsm is muddying the concept.
Good day to you, may you spend your (ill-gotten) money on life extension gene therapy such that you can live out some precious few extra seconds of sumptuous self-regard! (oh and don't forget the ~40-60% capital gains extortion you owe to the rapists to who you both consented and empowered)