OP reached out to me in PM, and then we had a long conversation on Telegram. The issue has been resolved. I had to assist him every steps on opening his ledger using Electrum.
I felt his excitement when he saw his balance are there. An amazing feeling to help. @BaygonIt as I said, Ledger Live sucks, to access your bitcoin and performing any task, use this Electrum file with your Ledger nano S. It's safe since without having the access of the hardware wallet no one can broadcast your coins. At the final stage of a transaction it will always ask your hardware wallet to sign the transaction.
Man... I have to agree with you... the Ledger Live sux!
I had no issues with the Browser App (Google Chrome) and then Google and Ledger had some issues (not supporting it anymore) and since I started using Ledger Live... it just gave me endless problems.
Why do we have to use external wallets (Electrum) ... to successfully use our Ledger hardware wallet? ..Major fail in my books!!!
I suggest you creating some kind of tutorial for this procedure and putting it under the hardware wallet section here :
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=261.0 (Will give some more merit for that)