The concept of 'free market' is quite easy to understand - the unfettered and completely voluntary exchange between parties according to each of their desires and capabilities.
Your definition of "free market" is about as close to reality as on-paper socialism was to the reality of soviet "socialism" under Stalin.
Therefore, your definition is worthless, and totally without merit for any discussion.
Look, the problem I have with debating capitalists about capitalism is this: In my experience, it is very much akin to debating theists about god. They vehemently defend the idea without critically thinking and reject any suggestion that an alternative could or would be better. I've long since learned my lesson about debating the indoctrinated believers of myths.
Please don't take it as a sign of disrespect that I won't struggle to convince you how awful capitalism
and "free" markets are. The truth is though, it's pretty goddamn awful. mgburks77 is spot on in his/her analysis two posts above.
I'll leave you with this to think on: 850 million people on this planet are malnourished or starving RIGHT NOW. There is no argument in the world that can justify this cruelty and indifference, especially when you
consider how much food our planet produces. We COULD feed them, we CHOOSE not to, because of the profit motive of capitalism.
If you're genuinely interested in learning about anti-capitalism (which I doubt), read
an Anarchist FAQ section C.