We are adding zerocoin to NXT in a way that will allow us to identify and fix any fundamental
issues regarding incorporating zeroknowledge proofs within the NXT core.
我们决定将零币加入 NXT,从而得以区别和解决 NXT 核心中与零币相关的根本性问题。
This project is at the proof of concept stage, eg. can this even be done on a small scale demo
basis. We are currently very close to an internal release of NXT core that integrates with
Tutorial.java, which is a layer that hooks up to Tutorial.cpp from
内部发布一个 NXT 核心,它整合了与
https://github.com/Zerocoin/libzerocoin 上的 Tutorial.cpp
相连接的层 Tutorial.java。
The proof of concept version will be deployed on zeronet for internal testing. Runtime
performance and size of data is not a concern for now. In order to accomodate the 30K size of
zeroknowledge proof in libzerocoin alpha, bloodyrookie has made a version that has a larger
blocksize. This means that during development NXTcash will not be compatible with mainnet
为了验证概念版,其内部测试将在 zeronet 上展开。运行期的性能和数据请求的大小暂
时不成问题。为了容纳 30K 的阿尔法版 libzerocoin 的零知识证明,bloodyrookie 已经制作了
一个具有较大块大小的版本。这意味着在开发过程中,NXTcash 与 mainnet 的块状链将不会
NXTcash will be fully opensourced upon completion, but during development, releases will
be made internally only. PM me if you want access.
NXTcash 开发完成后将是绝对开源的,但在开发过程中,只对内部发布。如需获取,请
zerocoin.org says that they want somebody to actually use libzerocoin alpha. If anybody is
able to contact them and let them know we are doing this, that would be fantastic. We want to
integrate in the upcoming zerocash into the proof of concept version, which will help find any
issues with zerocash. In order to help convince the zerocoin team, I want to be able to
demonstrate a working NXTcash proof of concept, so as soon as we get it debugged, we will load
it on a portable computer and fly it to wherever Matt Green is for the demo!
zerocoin.org 称他们希望有人能够真正使用阿尔法版的 libzerocoin。如果有人能够告知他
化成现实,这将有助于查找到 zerocash 中存在的问题。为了进一步说服零币的团队,我将展
示一个行之有效的 NXTcash 概念验证方案,因此只要我们完成了调试,就把它下载到手提电
脑上立即发给 Matt Green 来展示。
I know zerocoin is working on their own coin, so I hope they are still open to cooperating. It
would save them a lot of work if they built zerocash on top of NXT, especially after we have done
all the higher level changes to integrate libzerocoin alpha.
他们在 NXT 基础上开放 zerocash,相信会节省很大力气,尤其当我们在更高阶段完成对阿尔
法版 libzerocoin 的整合之后。
Task List
1. port Tutorial.cpp to Tutorial.java - completed by Bloodyrookie
2. integrate NXT core 4.7 and Tutorial.java - almost completed by Bloodyrookie
3. create NXTcash API - completed by Bloodyrookie
4. setup zeronet (testnet for NXTcash) - in progress by klee's team
5. create modified NXT client to support NXTcash API - undebugged release made my
6. deploy NXTcash proof of concept onto zeronet and debug NXTcash client
7. create demo machine with NXTcash and fly it to demonstrate to Matt Green
8. obtain pre-release libzerocash.cpp (or even object file) to start porting effort
9. debug NXTcash with libzerocash
10. refactor libzerocash into java for inclusion into proposed NXT core
1. 将 Tutorial.cpp 传送到 Tutorial.java 上——由 Bloodyrookie 完成;
2. 整合 NXT core 4.7 与 Tutorial.java——基本由 Bloodyrookie 完成;
3. 创建 NXTcash 应用程序接口——由 Bloodyrookie 完成;
4. 建立 zeronet(用来测试 NXTcash)——由 Klee 的团队承担研发工作,正在执
5. 创建并完善 NXT 客户端用来支撑 NXTcash 的应用程序接口;
6. 在 zeronet 上开展 NXTcash 的实践,为 NXTcash 进行调试;
7. 用 NXTcash 创建演示程序,然后立即发送给 Matt Green;
8. 获得预发行的 libzerocash.cpp(即使是目标文件)来开展移植工作;
9. 用 libzerocash 对 NXTcash 进行调试;
10. 将 libzerocash 重构为 Java 模式,按计划将 NXT 内核包含其中。
We are developing this using klee's 1 million NXT donation to NXTcashoperatingfund
Please donate to NXTcashcompletionbonusfund 3285077573678929080
Since klee is funding the operating costs for this project and taking the risk of 1 million NXT,
he will allocate the completion bounty. In the event that we cannot make a NXTcash release
acceptable to the NXT community, all donations to the completion bounty fund will be returned.
通过 Klee 向 NXTcash 运作基金 18388470681791198265 的 1000,000 捐款,我们得以进
行以上的研发。欢迎向 NXTcash 完成奖金基金捐款,账户为 3285077573678929080
Klee 出资赞助了这个项目的运营,并承担了 1000,000 NXT 的风险,他也同时负责完成
奖金的分配。如果我们未能发布令 NXT 社区满意的 NXTcash,所有募捐到完成奖金的捐款将