Base protocol seems to be hot with dreamers so here is my experience from it.
At first I speculated and won and lost a little. While playing I started learning (how i do stuff i guess).
I found the audit of the code and it does in fact show the mint() function is "override" with a modifier (onlyControllerContract).
THAT contract is NOT immutable since it is a proxy.
That means that the proxy could be set to call a contract that abuses the mint function and dilute everyone (ie reverse rug).
I brought it up in comparison to $REB2 (reb v1 was original rebase contract back in august 2020 and had a draining bug / issue with pooling so it forked to REB2 on 12/7/2020) ( for details)
They banned me for "fud" about the audit. What is fud is they banned me for technical discussion.
FYI REB2 auditS are good and it can be pooled with Balancer or Uniswap. No mint function and NO PROXY (so no injection)... NO PREMINE / PREMINT, NO crap. 160k mkt cap 💎
F u $base ... Dueces loses!