April 8, 2014 is when Micro$oft stops supporting Windows XP Operating System for good. Problem is many ATM machines and credit card processors run on Windows XP. Thus, on or after April 8, 2014, these machines will fall out of PCI rules and regulations and will be illegal or out-of-conformance with the rules and regulations of the banking and credit industry. The writer of this article seems to think that because of this, bitcoin will go up in value.
There are not that many Windows XP ATMs to begin with, nobody ever used that OS for ATMs in this country and I am guessing it's not that common elsewhere either.
Those ATMs with Windows XP will just keep running as if nothing has happed and get upgraded over time. It is not like all Windows XP systems will stop working overnight just because Microsoft stops supporting it.
I do not see this having any effect on the price at all, it's non-news.
Read the article before posting, please!
"This includes ATM machines, which the organization estimates to be over 420,000 in the US alone and 95% of them are estimated to be running various versions of Windows XP underneath."
"April 8 is the last date Microsoft will publish the latest round of security fixes for Windows XP known in the IT departments as the monthly “Patch Tuesday”. "